• Lv1

积分0 / 贡献0




    上善若水 显示全部楼层 发表于 2024-11-28 10:23:41


    1. 就是开机过程中是正常的,显示桌面后几秒钟就黑屏了,任何操作都无法起作用,插上鼠标操作也不行。

    2. 以下是我的改动,主要是修改了横屏,因为横屏有鼠标不能点击,所以在//foundation/window/window_manager、//foundation/multimodalinput/input、//foundation/ability/ability_runtime打了相应补丁。还有就是在//applications/standard/hap/BUILD.gn注释掉了锁屏操作,并且在foundation.cfg去掉了锁屏检查,防止卡logo。

    3. 以下是我想办法查找的结果:

      (base) PS D:\code> hdc shell
      power-shell dump -a
      Power Dump result:
      Current State: AWAKE  Reason: 0  Time: 23232
      ScreenOffTime: Timeout=-1ms
      Last Screen On: 2770071
      Last Screen Off: 0
      Last SuspendDevice: 0
      Last WakeupDevice: 2336833
      Last Refresh: 2770071
      State: AWAKE   Reason: INIT   Time: 23232
         Failure: POWER_KEY   Reason: Already in the state   From: AWAKE   Time: 2336835
      State: FREEZE   Reason: UNKNOWN   Time: 0
         Failure: UNKNOWN   Reason:    From: UNKNOWN   Time: 0
      State: INACTIVE   Reason: UNKNOWN   Time: 0
         Failure: UNKNOWN   Reason:    From: UNKNOWN   Time: 0
      State: STAND_BY   Reason: INIT   Time: 0
         Failure: INIT   Reason:    From: AWAKE   Time: 0
      State: DOZE   Reason: UNKNOWN   Time: 0
         Failure: UNKNOWN   Reason:    From: UNKNOWN   Time: 0
      State: SLEEP   Reason: UNKNOWN   Time: 0
         Failure: UNKNOWN   Reason:    From: UNKNOWN   Time: 0
      State: HIBERNATE   Reason: INIT   Time: 0
         Failure: CABLE   Reason:    From: UNKNOWN   Time: 0
      State: SHUTDOWN   Reason: UNKNOWN   Time: 0
         Failure: INIT   Reason:    From: AWAKE   Time: 0
        totalSize=4 validSize=0
      Summary By Type:
        SCREEN: 0
        BACKGROUND: 0
      Dump Lock List:
        index=1 time=2871229 type=BACKGROUND_TASK name=PowerMgrWakeupLock uid=5555 pid=0 state=0
        index=2 time=2872354 type=BACKGROUND_PHONE name=telRilRequestRunningLock uid=1001 pid=468 state=0
        index=3 time=2872366 type=BACKGROUND_PHONE name=telRilAckRunningLock uid=1001 pid=468 state=0
        index=4 time=2872622 type=BACKGROUND name=StandbyRunningLock uid=0 pid=349 state=0
      Dump Proxy List:
        index=1 pid_uid=0_5555 lock_cnt=1 proxy_cnt=0
        index=2 pid_uid=349_0 lock_cnt=1 proxy_cnt=0
        index=3 pid_uid=468_1001 lock_cnt=2 proxy_cnt=0
      Peripherals Info:
        Proximity: Enabled=0 Status=0
      power-shell wakeup
      WakeupDevice is called
      hilog -b D
      Set global log level to D successfully
      hilog -T OHOS::RS
      11-27 10:24:00.061  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderThread ProcessCommands size: 1
      11-27 10:24:00.061  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderThread DrawFrame(2618029457894) in GPU
      11-27 10:24:00.061  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: Root SystemUi_VolumePanel: Negative width or height [0.000000 0.000000]
      11-27 10:24:00.061  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: Root SystemUi_DropdownPanel: Negative width or height [0.000000 0.000000]
      11-27 10:24:00.061  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: Root SystemUi_BannerNotice: Negative width or height [0.000000 0.000000]
      11-27 10:24:00.062  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: Root SystemUi_VolumePanel: Negative width or height [0.000000 0.000000]
      11-27 10:24:00.062  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSSurfaceOhosGl:RequestFrame, width is , height is 
      11-27 10:24:00.063  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: UpdateDirtyAndSetEGLDamageRegion dirtyRect = [0, 0, 0, 0]
      11-27 10:24:00.063  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderThreadVisitor FlushImplicitTransactionFromRT uiTimestamp = 2618011353600
      11-27 10:24:00.063  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderThreadVisitor FlushFrame surfaceNodeId = 4780298600451, uiTimestamp = 2618011353600
      11-27 10:24:00.068   787  1323 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSRenderServiceListener::OnBufferAvailable node id:4780298600451
      11-27 10:24:00.068  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSSurfaceOhosGl: FlushFrame, SwapBuffers eglsurface
      11-27 10:24:00.069  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: Root SystemUi_DropdownPanel: Negative width or height [0.000000 0.000000]
      11-27 10:24:00.069  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSSurfaceOhosGl:RequestFrame, width is , height is 
      11-27 10:24:00.069  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: UpdateDirtyAndSetEGLDamageRegion dirtyRect = [0, 0, 0, 0]
      11-27 10:24:00.071  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderThreadVisitor FlushImplicitTransactionFromRT uiTimestamp = 2618011353600
      11-27 10:24:00.071  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderThreadVisitor FlushFrame surfaceNodeId = 4780298600453, uiTimestamp = 2618011353600
      11-27 10:24:00.075   787  1323 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSRenderServiceListener::OnBufferAvailable node id:4780298600453
      11-27 10:24:00.076  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSSurfaceOhosGl: FlushFrame, SwapBuffers eglsurface
      11-27 10:24:00.076  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: Root SystemUi_BannerNotice: Negative width or height [0.000000 0.000000]
      11-27 10:24:00.076  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSSurfaceOhosGl:RequestFrame, width is , height is 
      11-27 10:24:00.077  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: UpdateDirtyAndSetEGLDamageRegion dirtyRect = [1206, 26, 42, 20]
      11-27 10:24:00.079   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug surfaceHandler(id: 4780298600453) AcquireBuffer success, timestamp = 2618011353600.
      11-27 10:24:00.079   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug surfaceHandler(id: 4780298600451) AcquireBuffer success, timestamp = 2618011353600.
      11-27 10:24:00.079  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderThreadVisitor FlushImplicitTransactionFromRT uiTimestamp = 2618011353600
      11-27 10:24:00.079  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderThreadVisitor FlushFrame surfaceNodeId = 4780298600455, uiTimestamp = 2618011353600
      11-27 10:24:00.080   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSMainThread::CalcOcclusion animate:0 isUniRender:0
      11-27 10:24:00.080   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSRenderServiceVisitor::ProcessDisplayRenderNode: nodeid:[3088081485826] screenid:[0]         isSecurityDisplay:[false] child size:[5]
      11-27 10:24:00.080   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 5153960755203 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:00.081   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:5153960755203 name:[EntryView] dst [0 0 1280 720] SrcRect [1280 720] rawbuffer [1280 720] surfaceBuffer [1280 720], z:0.000000, globalZOrder:0, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:00.081   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [0 0 1280 720]
      11-27 10:24:00.081   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [0 0 720 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.081   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 4780298600455 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:00.081   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:4780298600455 name:[SystemUi_StatusBar] dst [0 0 1280 72] SrcRect [1280 72] rawbuffer [1280 72] surfaceBuffer [1280 72], z:1.000000, globalZOrder:1, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:00.081   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [0 0 1280 72]
      11-27 10:24:00.081   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [0 0 72 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.081   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 4780298600451 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:00.081   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:4780298600451 name:[SystemUi_PrivacyIndicator] dst [0 0 1280 32] SrcRect [1280 32] rawbuffer [1280 32] surfaceBuffer [1280 32], z:2.000000, globalZOrder:2, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:00.081   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [0 0 1280 32]
      11-27 10:24:00.081   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [0 0 32 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.081   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 4780298600453 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:00.082   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:4780298600453 name:[SystemUi_NavigationBar] dst [0 648 1280 72] SrcRect [1280 72] rawbuffer [1280 72] surfaceBuffer [1280 72], z:3.000000, globalZOrder:3, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:00.082   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [0 648 1280 72]
      11-27 10:24:00.082   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [648 0 72 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.082   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 1490353651713 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:00.082   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:1490353651713 name:[pointer window] dst [455 651 64 64] SrcRect [64 64] rawbuffer [64 64] surfaceBuffer [64 64], z:4.000000, globalZOrder:4, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:00.082   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [455 651 64 64]
      11-27 10:24:00.082   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [651 761 64 64]
      11-27 10:24:00.083   787  1323 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSRenderServiceListener::OnBufferAvailable node id:4780298600455
      11-27 10:24:00.084  1113  1385 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSSurfaceOhosGl: FlushFrame, SwapBuffers eglsurface
      11-27 10:24:00.097   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::Redraw flush frame buffer start
      11-27 10:24:00.098   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSSurfaceOhosGl: create and Init EglSurface
      11-27 10:24:00.098   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSSurfaceOhosGl:RequestFrame, width is , height is 
      11-27 10:24:00.098   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers dstRect[0 0 720 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.099   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers SrcRect[0 0 1280 720]
      11-27 10:24:00.099   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSEglImageManager::MapEglImageFromSurfaceBuffer: 25
      11-27 10:24:00.099   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers dstRect[0 0 72 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.099   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers SrcRect[0 0 1280 72]
      11-27 10:24:00.099   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSEglImageManager::MapEglImageFromSurfaceBuffer: 30
      11-27 10:24:00.099   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers dstRect[0 0 32 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.099   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers SrcRect[0 0 1280 32]
      11-27 10:24:00.100   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSEglImageManager::MapEglImageFromSurfaceBuffer: 27
      11-27 10:24:00.100   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers dstRect[648 0 72 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.100   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers SrcRect[0 0 1280 72]
      11-27 10:24:00.100   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSEglImageManager::MapEglImageFromSurfaceBuffer: 28
      11-27 10:24:00.100   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers dstRect[651 761 64 64]
      11-27 10:24:00.100   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers SrcRect[0 0 64 64]
      11-27 10:24:00.100   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSEglImageManager::MapEglImageFromSurfaceBuffer: 32
      11-27 10:24:00.105   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSSurfaceOhosGl: FlushFrame, SwapBuffers eglsurface
      11-27 10:24:00.105   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::Redraw flush frame buffer end
      11-27 10:24:00.111   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSProcessor::Perf: perf do nothing
      11-27 10:24:00.112   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug surfaceHandler(id: 4780298600455) AcquireBuffer success, timestamp = 2618011353600.
      11-27 10:24:00.113   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSMainThread::CalcOcclusion animate:0 isUniRender:0
      11-27 10:24:00.113   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSRenderServiceVisitor::ProcessDisplayRenderNode: nodeid:[3088081485826] screenid:[0]         isSecurityDisplay:[false] child size:[5]
      11-27 10:24:00.113   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 5153960755203 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:00.113   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:5153960755203 name:[EntryView] dst [0 0 1280 720] SrcRect [1280 720] rawbuffer [1280 720] surfaceBuffer [1280 720], z:0.000000, globalZOrder:0, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:00.113   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [0 0 1280 720]
      11-27 10:24:00.113   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [0 0 720 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 4780298600455 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:4780298600455 name:[SystemUi_StatusBar] dst [0 0 1280 72] SrcRect [1280 72] rawbuffer [1280 72] surfaceBuffer [1280 72], z:1.000000, globalZOrder:1, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [0 0 1280 72]
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [0 0 72 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 4780298600451 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:4780298600451 name:[SystemUi_PrivacyIndicator] dst [0 0 1280 32] SrcRect [1280 32] rawbuffer [1280 32] surfaceBuffer [1280 32], z:2.000000, globalZOrder:2, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [0 0 1280 32]
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [0 0 32 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 4780298600453 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:4780298600453 name:[SystemUi_NavigationBar] dst [0 648 1280 72] SrcRect [1280 72] rawbuffer [1280 72] surfaceBuffer [1280 72], z:3.000000, globalZOrder:3, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [0 648 1280 72]
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [648 0 72 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 1490353651713 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:1490353651713 name:[pointer window] dst [455 651 64 64] SrcRect [64 64] rawbuffer [64 64] surfaceBuffer [64 64], z:4.000000, globalZOrder:4, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [455 651 64 64]
      11-27 10:24:00.114   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [651 761 64 64]
      11-27 10:24:00.126   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::Redraw flush frame buffer start
      11-27 10:24:00.126   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSSurfaceOhosGl: create and Init EglSurface
      11-27 10:24:00.126   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSSurfaceOhosGl:RequestFrame, width is , height is 
      11-27 10:24:00.127   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers dstRect[0 0 720 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.127   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers SrcRect[0 0 1280 720]
      11-27 10:24:00.127   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSEglImageManager::MapEglImageFromSurfaceBuffer: 25
      11-27 10:24:00.128   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers dstRect[0 0 72 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.128   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers SrcRect[0 0 1280 72]
      11-27 10:24:00.128   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSEglImageManager::MapEglImageFromSurfaceBuffer: 31
      11-27 10:24:00.128   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers dstRect[0 0 32 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.128   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers SrcRect[0 0 1280 32]
      11-27 10:24:00.128   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSEglImageManager::MapEglImageFromSurfaceBuffer: 27
      11-27 10:24:00.128   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers dstRect[648 0 72 1280]
      11-27 10:24:00.128   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers SrcRect[0 0 1280 72]
      11-27 10:24:00.128   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSEglImageManager::MapEglImageFromSurfaceBuffer: 28
      11-27 10:24:00.129   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers dstRect[651 761 64 64]
      11-27 10:24:00.129   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers SrcRect[0 0 64 64]
      11-27 10:24:00.129   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSEglImageManager::MapEglImageFromSurfaceBuffer: 32
      11-27 10:24:00.149   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSSurfaceOhosGl: FlushFrame, SwapBuffers eglsurface
      11-27 10:24:00.149   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::Redraw flush frame buffer end
      11-27 10:24:25.767   787  1323 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSMainThread::RecvRSTransactionData timestamp = 0
      11-27 10:24:25.778   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSMainThread::CalcOcclusion animate:0 isUniRender:0
      11-27 10:24:25.778   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: CalcOcclusionImplementation nodeId[1490353651713] visibleLevel[0]
      11-27 10:24:25.778   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: CalcOcclusionImplementation nodeId[4780298600453] visibleLevel[0]
      11-27 10:24:25.779   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: CalcOcclusionImplementation nodeId[4780298600451] visibleLevel[0]
      11-27 10:24:25.779   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: CalcOcclusionImplementation nodeId[4780298600455] visibleLevel[0]
      11-27 10:24:25.779   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: CalcOcclusionImplementation nodeId[5153960755203] visibleLevel[0]
      11-27 10:24:25.779   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSRenderServiceVisitor::ProcessDisplayRenderNode: nodeid:[3088081485826] screenid:[0]         isSecurityDisplay:[false] child size:[5]
      11-27 10:24:25.779   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 5153960755203 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:25.779   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:5153960755203 name:[EntryView] dst [0 0 1280 720] SrcRect [1280 720] rawbuffer [1280 720] surfaceBuffer [1280 720], z:0.000000, globalZOrder:0, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:25.780   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [0 0 1280 720]
      11-27 10:24:25.780   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [0 0 720 1280]
      11-27 10:24:25.780   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 4780298600455 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:25.780   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:4780298600455 name:[SystemUi_StatusBar] dst [0 0 1280 72] SrcRect [1280 72] rawbuffer [1280 72] surfaceBuffer [1280 72], z:1.000000, globalZOrder:1, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:25.780   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [0 0 1280 72]
      11-27 10:24:25.780   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [0 0 72 1280]
      11-27 10:24:25.781   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 4780298600451 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:25.781   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:4780298600451 name:[SystemUi_PrivacyIndicator] dst [0 0 1280 32] SrcRect [1280 32] rawbuffer [1280 32] surfaceBuffer [1280 32], z:2.000000, globalZOrder:2, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:25.781   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [0 0 1280 32]
      11-27 10:24:25.781   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [0 0 32 1280]
      11-27 10:24:25.781   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 4780298600453 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:25.781   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:4780298600453 name:[SystemUi_NavigationBar] dst [0 648 1280 72] SrcRect [1280 72] rawbuffer [1280 72] surfaceBuffer [1280 72], z:3.000000, globalZOrder:3, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:25.782   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [0 648 1280 72]
      11-27 10:24:25.782   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [648 0 72 1280]
      11-27 10:24:25.782   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::ProcessSurface id = 1490353651713 Notify RT buffer available
      11-27 10:24:25.782   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSComposerAdapter::CreateBufferLayer surfaceNode id:1490353651713 name:[pointer window] dst [453 651 64 64] SrcRect [64 64] rawbuffer [64 64] surfaceBuffer [64 64], z:4.000000, globalZOrder:4, blendType = 3
      11-27 10:24:25.782   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, Before Rotate layer size [453 651 64 64]
      11-27 10:24:25.782   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug ScreenRotation 90, After Rotate layer size [651 763 64 64]
      11-27 10:24:25.793   787  1323 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSMainThread::RecvRSTransactionData timestamp = 0
      11-27 10:24:25.804   787  1323 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSMainThread::RecvRSTransactionData timestamp = 0
      11-27 10:24:25.804   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RsDebug RSPhysicalScreenProcessor::Redraw flush frame buffer start
      11-27 10:24:25.805   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSSurfaceOhosGl: create and Init EglSurface
      11-27 10:24:25.805   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSSurfaceOhosGl:RequestFrame, width is , height is 
      11-27 10:24:25.806   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers dstRect[0 0 720 1280]
      11-27 10:24:25.806   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSRenderEngine::DrawLayers SrcRect[0 0 1280 720]
      11-27 10:24:25.807   787   787 D C01406/OHOS::RS: RSEglImageManager::MapEglImageFromSurfaceBuffer: 25
      11-27 10:24:25.807   787   787 D C01406/O
      hilog -b D
      Set global log level to D successfully
      hilog -T DISP
      11-27 10:32:00.089   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.089   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 5
      11-27 10:32:00.089   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerAlpha:135] enable alpha 1 galpha 0xff
      11-27 10:32:00.089   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.089   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 5
      11-27 10:32:00.089   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerRegion:105]  displayRect x: 694 y : 109 w : 26 h : 64
      11-27 10:32:00.089   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.089   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 5
      11-27 10:32:00.090   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerTransformMode:142] TransformType 3
      11-27 10:32:00.090   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerVisibleRegion:289]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.090   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.090   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 5
      11-27 10:32:00.090   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerDirtyRegion:151] id : 5 DirtyRegion x: 0 y : 0 w : 64 h : 26
      11-27 10:32:00.090   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.090   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 5
      11-27 10:32:00.090   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerBuffer:213]
      11-27 10:32:00.090   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [HdiLayerBuffer:41]
      11-27 10:32:00.090   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [HdiLayerBuffer:51]
      11-27 10:32:00.090   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.090   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 5
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCompositionType:228] CompositionType type 1
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 5
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerBlendType:235] BlendType type 3
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 5
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCrop:114] id : 5 crop x: 0 y : 0 w : 64 h : 26
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallDisplayFunction:39] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerZorder:67] layerId : 5
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerZorder:73] zorder no change layerId 5, zorder 4
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 5
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerPreMulti:127]
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerColor:325]  layerColor: r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerColor:326]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerMaskInfo:318]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 4
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerAlpha:135] enable alpha 1 galpha 0xff
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 4
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerRegion:105]  displayRect x: 648 y : 0 w : 72 h : 1280
      11-27 10:32:00.091   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 4
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerTransformMode:142] TransformType 3
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerVisibleRegion:289]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 4
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerDirtyRegion:151] id : 4 DirtyRegion x: 0 y : 0 w : 1280 h : 72
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 4
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerBuffer:213]
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [HdiLayerBuffer:41]
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [HdiLayerBuffer:51]
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 4
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCompositionType:228] CompositionType type 1
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 4
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerBlendType:235] BlendType type 3
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 4
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCrop:114] id : 4 crop x: 0 y : 0 w : 1280 h : 72
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallDisplayFunction:39] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.092   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerZorder:67] layerId : 4
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerZorder:73] zorder no change layerId 4, zorder 3
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 4
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerPreMulti:127]
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerColor:325]  layerColor: r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerColor:326]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerMaskInfo:318]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 3
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerAlpha:135] enable alpha 1 galpha 0xff
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 3
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerRegion:105]  displayRect x: 0 y : 0 w : 32 h : 1280
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 3
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerTransformMode:142] TransformType 3
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerVisibleRegion:289]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 3
      11-27 10:32:00.093   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerDirtyRegion:151] id : 3 DirtyRegion x: 0 y : 0 w : 1280 h : 32
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 3
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerBuffer:213]
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [HdiLayerBuffer:41]
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [HdiLayerBuffer:51]
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 3
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCompositionType:228] CompositionType type 1
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 3
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerBlendType:235] BlendType type 3
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 3
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCrop:114] id : 3 crop x: 0 y : 0 w : 1280 h : 32
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallDisplayFunction:39] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerZorder:67] layerId : 3
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerZorder:73] zorder no change layerId 3, zorder 2
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 3
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerPreMulti:127]
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerColor:325]  layerColor: r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerColor:326]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.094   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerMaskInfo:318]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 2
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerAlpha:135] enable alpha 1 galpha 0xff
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 2
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerRegion:105]  displayRect x: 0 y : 0 w : 72 h : 1280
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 2
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerTransformMode:142] TransformType 3
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerVisibleRegion:289]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 2
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerDirtyRegion:151] id : 2 DirtyRegion x: 0 y : 0 w : 1280 h : 72
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 2
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerBuffer:213]
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [HdiLayerBuffer:41]
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [HdiLayerBuffer:51]
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 2
      11-27 10:32:00.095   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCompositionType:228] CompositionType type 1
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 2
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerBlendType:235] BlendType type 3
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 2
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCrop:114] id : 2 crop x: 0 y : 0 w : 1280 h : 72
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallDisplayFunction:39] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerZorder:67] layerId : 2
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerZorder:73] zorder no change layerId 2, zorder 1
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 2
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerPreMulti:127]
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerColor:325]  layerColor: r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerColor:326]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerMaskInfo:318]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 1
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerAlpha:135] enable alpha 1 galpha 0xff
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 1
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerRegion:105]  displayRect x: 0 y : 0 w : 720 h : 1280
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 1
      11-27 10:32:00.096   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerTransformMode:142] TransformType 3
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerVisibleRegion:289]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 1
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerDirtyRegion:151] id : 1 DirtyRegion x: 0 y : 0 w : 1280 h : 720
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 1
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerBuffer:213]
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [HdiLayerBuffer:41]
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [HdiLayerBuffer:51]
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 1
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCompositionType:228] CompositionType type 1
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 1
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerBlendType:235] BlendType type 3
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 1
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCrop:114] id : 1 crop x: 0 y : 0 w : 1280 h : 720
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallDisplayFunction:39] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerZorder:67] layerId : 1
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerZorder:73] zorder no change layerId 1, zorder 0
      11-27 10:32:00.097   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallLayerFunction:51] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetHdiLayer:213] id : 1
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerPreMulti:127]
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerColor:325]  layerColor: r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerColor:326]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetLayerMaskInfo:318]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallDisplayFunction:39] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [PrepareDisplayLayers:169]
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [PrepareDisplayLayers:176]  mLayers  size 5 layers size 5
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerZorder:121] id : 0 zorder : 3
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayers:108] layers size 5
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CanHandle:85]
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CanHandle:85]
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CanHandle:85]
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CanHandle:85]
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CanHandle:85]
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CanHandle:85]
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetDeviceSelect:117] 0
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CanHandle:85]
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetDeviceSelect:117] 0
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CanHandle:85]
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetDeviceSelect:117] 0
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CanHandle:85]
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetDeviceSelect:117] 0
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CanHandle:85]
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetDeviceSelect:117] 0
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayers:126] composer layers size 5
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayers:50]
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [PrepareDisplayLayers:187] layer change
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCompositionType:228] CompositionType type 0
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [PrepareDisplayLayers:187] layer change
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCompositionType:228] CompositionType type 0
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [PrepareDisplayLayers:187] layer change
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCompositionType:228] CompositionType type 0
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [PrepareDisplayLayers:187] layer change
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCompositionType:228] CompositionType type 0
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [PrepareDisplayLayers:187] layer change
      11-27 10:32:00.098   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerCompositionType:228] CompositionType type 0
      11-27 10:32:00.099   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallDisplayFunction:39] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.099   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallDisplayFunction:39] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.099   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [GetDisplayCompChange:132] set the layers and type
      11-27 10:32:00.106   787   787 E C02510/DISP: [GetMetadata:97]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.106   787   787 E C02510/DISP: [GetMetadata:97]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.106   787   787 E C02510/DISP: [GetMetadata:97]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.106   787   787 E C02510/DISP: [GetMetadata:97]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.106   787   787 E C02510/DISP: [GetMetadata:97]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.106   787   787 E C02510/DISP: [SetMetadata:91]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.107   639   706 E C02510/DISP: [SetDisplayClientDamage:146]  is not supported
      11-27 10:32:00.107   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallDisplayFunction:39] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.107   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [SetLayerBuffer:213]
      11-27 10:32:00.107   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [HdiLayerBuffer:41]
      11-27 10:32:00.107   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [HdiLayerBuffer:51]
      11-27 10:32:00.107   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [CallDisplayFunction:39] device Id : 0
      11-27 10:32:00.107   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [Commit:198]
      11-27 10:32:00.107   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [Apply:205] composer layers size 5
      11-27 10:32:00.108   639   706 E C02515/DISP: [Apply:221] the gfx composition can not surpport the type 0
      11-27 10:32:00.108   639   706 E C02515/DISP: [Apply:221] the gfx composition can not surpport the type 0
      11-27 10:32:00.108   639   706 E C02515/DISP: [Apply:221] the gfx composition can not surpport the type 0
      11-27 10:32:00.108   639   706 E C02515/DISP: [Apply:221] the gfx composition can not surpport the type 0
      11-27 10:32:00.108   639   706 E C02515/DISP: [Apply:221] the gfx composition can not surpport the type 0
      11-27 10:32:00.108   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [Commit:40] commit modSet=0
      11-27 10:32:00.108   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [UpdateMode:172]
      11-27 10:32:00.108   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [Apply:268] mPlane size: 4 mCompLayers size: 1
      11-27 10:32:00.108   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [Apply:280] Apply Set OutFence crtc id: 85, fencePropId 19
      11-27 10:32:00.108   639   706 D C02515/DISP: [Apply:284] mCompLayers size 1
      11-27 10:32:00.108   639   706 D C


    硬件:rk3568,凌蒙派的核心板,公司自己做的底板 系统版本:为矿鸿4.1,是基于oh4.1r




    沙发 发表于 2024-11-28 10:24:18

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
    <!-- Copyright (c) 2021-2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.

    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
    You may obtain a copy of the License at


    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
    limitations under the License.

    Power Mode Definitions:
    NORMAL_MODE = 600,
    POWER_SAVE_MODE = 601,
    EXTREME_MODE = 602,
    Action Definitions:
    DisplayOffTime = 101,
    SystemAutoSleepTime = 102,
    AutoAdjustBrightness = 103,
    AutoWindownRoration = 107,
    SetBrightness = 115,
    VibratorsState = 120,
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    <switch id="103" value="-1" recover_flag="0"/>
    <switch id="107" value="-1" recover_flag="0"/>
    <switch id="115" value="25" recover_flag="0"/>
    <switch id="120" value="-1" recover_flag="0"/>


    板凳 发表于 2024-11-28 10:31:02

    以下是hidumper -s 10 -a surface获取的。



    -- LayerInfo

    surface [EntryView] NodeId[3216930504711] LayerId[1]:
    zOrder = 0, visibleNum = 1, transformType = 3 <rotation by 270 degrees>, compositionType = 1 <device composistion>, blendType = 3 <SRC_OVER blending>, layerAlpha = [enGlobalAlpha(1), enPixelAlpha(0), alpha0(0), alpha1(0), gAlpha(255)].
    layerRect = [0, 0, 720, 1280], cropRect = [0, 0, 1280, 720],visibleRegions[0] = [0, 0, 1280, 720], dirtyRegions[0] = [0, 0, 1280, 720],     BufferQueue:
          default-size = [1280x720], FIFO = 3, name = EntryView, uniqueId = 3216930504711, usedBufferListLen = 2, freeBufferListLen = 1, dirtyBufferListLen = 0, totalBuffersMemSize = 7200.00(KiB).
            sequence = 23, state = 0 <released>, timestamp = 23086070556, damagesRect = [0] = [0, 0, 1280, 720], config = [1280x720, 8, 12, 9, 3000], bufferWith = 1280, bufferHeight = 720, bufferMemSize = 3600.00(KiB).
            sequence = 24, state = 3 <acquired>, timestamp = 23122284596, damagesRect = [0] = [0, 0, 1280, 720], config = [1280x720, 8, 12, 9, 3000], bufferWith = 1280, bufferHeight = 720, bufferMemSize = 3600.00(KiB).

    surface [SystemUi_StatusBar] NodeId[3216930504708] LayerId[2]:
    zOrder = 1, visibleNum = 1, transformType = 3 <rotation by 270 degrees>, compositionType = 1 <device composistion>, blendType = 3 <SRC_OVER blending>, layerAlpha = [enGlobalAlpha(1), enPixelAlpha(0), alpha0(0), alpha1(0), gAlpha(255)].
    layerRect = [0, 0, 72, 1280], cropRect = [0, 0, 1280, 72],visibleRegions[0] = [0, 0, 1280, 72], dirtyRegions[0] = [0, 0, 1280, 72],     BufferQueue:
          default-size = [1280x72], FIFO = 3, name = SystemUi_StatusBar, uniqueId = 3216930504708, usedBufferListLen = 3, freeBufferListLen = 2, dirtyBufferListLen = 0, totalBuffersMemSize = 1080.00(KiB).
            sequence = 25, state = 0 <released>, timestamp = 13767008148919, damagesRect = [0] = [0, 0, 1280, 72], config = [1280x72, 8, 12, 9, 3000], bufferWith = 1280, bufferHeight = 72, bufferMemSize = 360.00(KiB).
            sequence = 26, state = 3 <acquired>, timestamp = 13887012626105, damagesRect = [0] = [0, 0, 1280, 72], config = [1280x72, 8, 12, 9, 3000], bufferWith = 1280, bufferHeight = 72, bufferMemSize = 360.00(KiB).
            sequence = 27, state = 0 <released>, timestamp = 13827004256908, damagesRect = [0] = [0, 0, 1280, 72], config = [1280x72, 8, 12, 9, 3000], bufferWith = 1280, bufferHeight = 72, bufferMemSize = 360.00(KiB).

    surface [SystemUi_PrivacyIndicator] NodeId[3216930504714] LayerId[3]:
    zOrder = 2, visibleNum = 1, transformType = 3 <rotation by 270 degrees>, compositionType = 1 <device composistion>, blendType = 3 <SRC_OVER blending>, layerAlpha = [enGlobalAlpha(1), enPixelAlpha(0), alpha0(0), alpha1(0), gAlpha(255)].
    layerRect = [0, 0, 32, 1280], cropRect = [0, 0, 1280, 32],visibleRegions[0] = [0, 0, 1280, 32], dirtyRegions[0] = [0, 0, 1280, 32],     BufferQueue:
          default-size = [1280x32], FIFO = 3, name = SystemUi_PrivacyIndicator, uniqueId = 3216930504714, usedBufferListLen = 2, freeBufferListLen = 1, dirtyBufferListLen = 0, totalBuffersMemSize = 320.00(KiB).
            sequence = 29, state = 3 <acquired>, timestamp = 13887012626105, damagesRect = [0] = [0, 0, 1280, 32], config = [1280x32, 8, 12, 9, 3000], bufferWith = 1280, bufferHeight = 32, bufferMemSize = 160.00(KiB).
            sequence = 31, state = 0 <released>, timestamp = 13827004256908, damagesRect = [0] = [0, 0, 1280, 32], config = [1280x32, 8, 12, 9, 3000], bufferWith = 1280, bufferHeight = 32, bufferMemSize = 160.00(KiB).

    surface [SystemUi_NavigationBar] NodeId[3216930504713] LayerId[4]:
    zOrder = 3, visibleNum = 1, transformType = 3 <rotation by 270 degrees>, compositionType = 1 <device composistion>, blendType = 3 <SRC_OVER blending>, layerAlpha = [enGlobalAlpha(1), enPixelAlpha(0), alpha0(0), alpha1(0), gAlpha(255)].
    layerRect = [648, 0, 72, 1280], cropRect = [0, 0, 1280, 72],visibleRegions[0] = [0, 648, 1280, 72], dirtyRegions[0] = [0, 0, 1280, 72],     BufferQueue:
          default-size = [1280x72], FIFO = 3, name = SystemUi_NavigationBar, uniqueId = 3216930504713, usedBufferListLen = 2, freeBufferListLen = 1, dirtyBufferListLen = 0, totalBuffersMemSize = 720.00(KiB).
            sequence = 28, state = 3 <acquired>, timestamp = 13887012626105, damagesRect = [0] = [0, 0, 1280, 72], config = [1280x72, 8, 12, 9, 3000], bufferWith = 1280, bufferHeight = 72, bufferMemSize = 360.00(KiB).
            sequence = 30, state = 0 <released>, timestamp = 13827004256908, damagesRect = [0] = [0, 0, 1280, 72], config = [1280x72, 8, 12, 9, 3000], bufferWith = 1280, bufferHeight = 72, bufferMemSize = 360.00(KiB).

          default-size = [0x0], FIFO = 3, name = FrameBuffer, uniqueId = 3216930504704, usedBufferListLen = 2, freeBufferListLen = 1, dirtyBufferListLen = 0, totalBuffersMemSize = 7200.00(KiB).
            sequence = 21, state = 0 <released>, timestamp = 0, damagesRect = [0] = [0, 0, 720, 1280], config = [720x1280, 8, 12, 73, 3000], bufferWith = 720, bufferHeight = 1280, bufferMemSize = 3600.00(KiB).
            sequence = 22, state = 3 <acquired>, timestamp = 0, damagesRect = [0] = [0, 0, 720, 1280], config = [720x1280, 8, 12, 73, 3000], bufferWith = 720, bufferHeight = 1280, bufferMemSize = 3600.00(KiB).

    -- VSyncGenerator --
    -- VSyncSampler --


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