[经验分享] 基于riscv64架构的Dayu800开发板的napi_demo开发介绍 原创

润开鸿_闻飞 显示全部楼层 发表于 2024-7-23 11:53:26

itopen组织 1、提供OpenHarmony优雅实用的小工具 2、手把手适配riscv + qemu + linux的三方库移植 3、未来计划riscv + qemu + ohos的三方库移植 + 小程序开发 4、一切拥抱开源,拥抱国产化


1.1 Ubuntu20.04环境配置


# root环境配置
git clone https://gitee.com/itopen/openharmony_env_init
cd openharmony_env_init
bash root_init.sh

# 个人用户环境配置
git config --global user.name "yourname"
git config --global user.email "your-email-address"
git config --global core.editor vim
git config --global credential.helper store
git config --global http.sslverify false

1.2 下载、安装DevEco Studio

dayu800使用的是Openharmony-3.2-Release分支,所对应的API版本为9,DevEco Studio目前最新版的5.x支持的API版本为10、11、12,并不支持9,所以需要下载3.1.1Release版本

DevEco Studio 下载链接


1.3 初始化DevEco Studio环境

以管理员权限启动DevEco,然后create project,选择空项目即可,按照提示完成环境配置,之后根据UI提示等待环境配置完成。



2.1 下载duyu800代码

代码下载使用自动化下载工具下载,关于自动化下载工具使用参见itopen: 一键下载openharmony代码

# 下载dayu800代码,关于
git clone https://gitee.com/itopen/ohos_download.git
cd ohos_download
# 选择1.1

2.2 编译dayu800代码

# 首次编译需要下载预处理文件
cd ~/Openharmony/dayu800-ohos

# 全量编译代码,添加--gn-args full_mini_debug=false这次参数会编译比较快,否则中间会有一段停留30分钟的时间
./build.sh --product-name dayu800 --gn-args full_mini_debug=false --ccache

2.3 镜像烧录

关于dayu800的烧录参考itopen: dayu800开发板使用说明

三、NAPI Demo介绍

3.1 napi demo代码处理

itopen: napi_demo代码下载放置到dayu800-ohos代码的device/soc/thead/th1520/hardware目录下,然后在BUILD.gn中添加napi_demo模块

cd device/soc/thead/th1520/hardware
git clone https://gitee.com/itopen/napi_demo.git
vim BUILD.gn
# 添加napi_demo:napi_demo
group("hardware_group") {
  deps = [
    "napi_demo:napi_demo", # 第一个napi_demo表示napi_demo目录,第二个napi_demo表示napi_demo目录下BUILD.gn中的napi_demo模块

3.2 查看接口功能

关于NAPI有哪些接口请查看OpenHarmony NAPI接口介绍和使用


#include "napi/native_api.h"
#include "napi/native_node_api.h"

该头文件在 //foundation/arkui/napi/interfaces/kits/napi//foundation/arkui/napi/interfaces/inner_api/napi之中

3.3 代码简单介绍


├── BUILD.gn
├── CMakeLists.txt
├── include
│   ├── i_serialport_client.h
│   ├── log
│   │   └── serialport_log_wrapper.h
│   ├── serial_callback_base.h
│   └── serialport_types.h
├── serial_async_callback.cpp
├── serial_async_callback.h
├── serial_helper.cpp
├── serial_opt.cpp
├── serial_opt.h
├── types
│   └── libserialhelper
│       ├── package.json
│       └── serialhelper.d.ts
├── x_napi_tool.cpp
└── x_napi_tool.h


void OpenSerial_execute(XNapiTool *pxt, void *data)
    OpenSerial_value_struct *vio = (OpenSerial_value_struct *)data;
    vio->out = OpenSerial(vio->in0.c_str());

void OpenSerial_complete(XNapiTool *pxt, void *data)
    int32_t ret = -1;
    OpenSerial_value_struct *vio = (OpenSerial_value_struct *)data;
    napi_value result = nullptr;
    result = NUMBER_C_2_JS(pxt, Int32, vio->out);
        napi_value args[XNapiTool::ARGV_CNT] = {result, nullptr};
        if(vio->out > 0)
            ret = 0;
        pxt->FinishAsync(ret, args);
    delete vio;
napi_value OpenSerial_middle(napi_env env, napi_callback_info info)
    XNapiTool *pxt = std::make_unique<XNapiTool>(env, info).release();
    if (pxt->IsFailed()) {
        napi_value err = pxt->GetError();
        delete pxt;
        return err;

    struct OpenSerial_value_struct *vio = new OpenSerial_value_struct();
    pxt->SwapJs2CUtf8(pxt->GetArgv(0), vio->in0);
    napi_value result = pxt->StartAsync(OpenSerial_execute, vio, OpenSerial_complete,
        pxt->GetArgc() == 2 ? pxt->GetArgv(1) : nullptr);
    if (pxt->IsFailed()) {
        result = pxt->GetError();
    return result;
  • 这段C++函数用于在node.js环境中通过NAPI异步打开串口
  • 主要流程如下
    • JavaScript调用:从JavaScript代码中调用 openSerial 函数。
    • 中间层函数OpenSerial_middle 函数被调用,准备参数并启动异步操作。
    • 后台线程执行OpenSerial_execute 函数在后台线程中执行,执行实际的串口打开操作。
    • 主线程回调:一旦后台操作完成,OpenSerial_complete 函数在主线程中被调用,处理结果并回调到JavaScript。

3.4 创建类型声明文件


 * Copyright (C) 2021-2022 Huawei Device Co., Ltd.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import {AsyncCallback, Callback} from "basic";

 * Provides methods related to serialport services.
 * @since 7
 * @syscap SystemCapability.Miscservices.SerialportService
declare namespace serialHelper {
 * Set serial port options.
 * @param dev Indicates the serial port dev.
 * @param speeds baud rate.
 * @param bits 7/8.
 * @param events 'O'/'E'/'N'
 * @param stops 1/2
    function setOptions(dev:string, speeds:number, bits:number, events:number, stops: number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
    function setOptions(dev:string, speeds:number, bits:number, events:number, stops: number): Promise<void>;

     * Open serial port.
     * @param dev Indicates the serial port dev.
    function openSerial(dev:string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
    function openSerial(dev:string): Promise<void>;

     * Close serial port.
     * @param dev Indicates the serial port dev.
    function closeSerial(dev:string, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
    function closeSerial(dev:string): Promise<void>;

     * tcflush serial port.
     * @param dev Indicates the serial port dev.
     * @param selector 0 in 1 out 2 in&out.
    function clearBuffer(dev:string, selector:number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
    function clearBuffer(dev:string, selector:number): Promise<void>;

     * Send data to serial port.
     * @param dev Indicates the serial port dev.
     * @param data.
    function sendData(dev:string, data:Uint8Array, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
    function sendData(dev:string, data:Uint8Array): Promise<void>;

     * read data from serial port.
     * @param dev Indicates the serial port dev.
     * @param timeout
    function recvData(dev:string, timeout:number, callback: AsyncCallback<Uint8Array>): void;
    function recvData(dev:string, timeout:number): Promise<Uint8Array>;

     * transmit Send and Read data
     * @param dev Indicates the serial port dev.
     * @param cmd Indicates the command.
     * @param timeout
     * @param callback Returns the Uint8Array
    function transmit(dev:string, cmd: Uint8Array, timeout: number, callback: AsyncCallback<Uint8Array>): void;
    function transmit(dev:string, cmd: Uint8Array, timeout: number): Promise<Uint8Array>;

     * on/off serial data
     * @param type Indicates the serial port dev.
     * @param callback serial data
    function on(type: '/dev/ttyXRUSB0', callback: Callback<Uint8Array>): void;
    function on(type: '/dev/ttyXRUSB1', callback: Callback<Uint8Array>): void;
    function on(type: '/dev/ttyXRUSB2', callback: Callback<Uint8Array>): void;
    function on(type: '/dev/ttyXRUSB3', callback: Callback<Uint8Array>): void;
    function off(type: '/dev/ttyXRUSB0'): void;
    function off(type: '/dev/ttyXRUSB1'): void;
    function off(type: '/dev/ttyXRUSB2'): void;
    function off(type: '/dev/ttyXRUSB3'): void;

     * Set GPIO Direction.
     * @param portNo Gpio number.
     * @param dirIn Is it an input port.
     * @permission None
    function setGPIODirection(portNo:number, dirIn:boolean, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
    function setGPIODirection(portNo:number, dirIn:boolean): Promise<void>;

    * Set GPIO Value.
    * @param portNo Gpio number.
    * @param value Gpio value, 0 or 1.
    * @permission None
    function setGPIOValue(portNo:number, value:number, callback: AsyncCallback<void>): void;
    function setGPIOValue(portNo:number, value:number): Promise<void>;

    * Get GPIO Value.
    * @param portNo Gpio number.
    * @param callback Returns gpio value of portNo, 0 or 1.
    * @permission None
    function getGPIOValue(portNo:number, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
    function getGPIOValue(portNo:number): Promise<number>;

export default serialHelper;

3.5 BUILD.gn文件介绍



ohos_shared_library("serialhelper") {
  sources = [
  include_dirs = [

  remove_configs = [ 
  cflags = [ 

  ldflags = [
  deps = [
  external_deps = [ 

  defines = [ "MY_TEST_DEFINE" ]

  part_name = "prebuilt_hap"
  subsystem_name = "applications"

ohos_executable("serialdebug") {
  sources = [
  include_dirs = [
  remove_configs = [ 

  cflags = [ 

  ldflags = [
  deps = [
  external_deps = [ 

  defines = [ "MY_TEST_DEFINE" ]

  part_name = "prebuilt_hap"
  subsystem_name = "applications"

group("napi_demo") {
  deps = [

3.6 napi_demo编译

  • 为了节省时间,可以先通过指定target的指令先查看是否编写错误 ./build.sh --product-name dayu800 --ccache --build-target=serialhelperlib或者直接 ./build.sh --product-name dayu800 --ccache进行全量编译
  • 全量编译完成后,使用find -name 指令查找类似libserialhelper.z.so的文件,若找到则编译完成,将其发送到烧录了Openharmony3.2.2镜像的设备的/system/lib64/module目录中
./build.sh --product-name dayu800 --ccache --build-target=napi_demo

# 编译的libserialhelper.z.so和serialdebug位于./out/dayu800/thead_products/thead_products/目录中


4.1 编写测试ets

打开DevEco Studio并创建一个空项目


// 示例代码
// @ts-ignore
import testNapi from '@ohos.serialhelper'

struct Index {
  @State message: string = 'Hello World'

  fd: number = -1
  devPath: string = '/dev/ttyS3'

  async openChuankouFn() {
    this.fd = await testNapi.openSerial(this.devPath);
    console.log('daihai openChuankouFn this.fd: ' + this.fd)


  async serialSet() {
    let ret = await testNapi.setOptions(this.fd, 115200, 8, 0, 1);
    console.log('daihai serialSet ret: ' + ret)

  async SerialSend() {
    const databuff = [0x61, 0xaa, 0x0a, 0x15, 0x00]; // send ABCDE
    console.log('daihai SerialSend databuff len: ' + databuff.length)
    let uint8Arr = new Uint8Array(databuff);
    let ret = await testNapi.sendData(this.fd, uint8Arr);
    console.log('daihai SerialSend ret: ' + ret)

    // if (msg[9] == this.dwMap[this.index]) {
    //   this.warnFlag[this.index] = '2'
    // }


  async SerialRecv(timeout?: number) {
    let revTestInfo = await testNapi.recvData(this.fd, timeout, 16);
    console.log('daihai revTestInfo: ',JSON.stringify(revTestInfo))

    //let revTestInfo = testNapi.SerialRecv(this.fd, timeout, 6);
    // const message = revTestInfo?.recevedBuf?.toString()
    // console.log('daihai revTestInfo.revTestInfo.recevedLen: ',revTestInfo.recevedLen)
    // console.log('daihai revTestInfo.recevedBuf.toString(): ',revTestInfo.recevedBuf)
    // console.log('daihai revTestInfo.recevedBuf.toString(): ',revTestInfo.recevedBuf.toString())


  openChuankouFnCb() {
    testNapi.openSerial(this.devPath, (err, ret) => {
      console.log('daihai openChuankouFn this.fd: ' + this.fd)

  serialSetCb() {
    testNapi.setOptions(this.fd, 115200, 8, 0, 1, (err, ret) => {
      console.log('daihai serialSet ret: ' + ret)


  SerialSendCb() {

    const databuff = [0x61, 0xaa, 0x0a, 0x15, 0x00]; // send ABCDE
    console.log('daihai SerialSend databuff len: ' + databuff.length)
    let uint8Arr = new Uint8Array(databuff);
    testNapi.sendData(this.fd, uint8Arr, (err, ret) => {
      console.log('daihai SerialSend ret: ' + ret)

    // if (msg[9] == this.dwMap[this.index]) {
    //   this.warnFlag[this.index] = '2'
    // }


  SerialRecvCb(timeout?: number) {
    testNapi.recvData(this.fd, timeout, 16, (err, revTestInfo) => {
      console.log('daihai revTestInfo: ',JSON.stringify(revTestInfo))

  build() {
    Row() {
      Column() {
          .onClick(() => {

        Button('open cb')
          .onClick(() => {
          }).margin({ top: 20 })

          .onClick(() => {
          }).margin({ top: 20 })

        Button('serialSet cb')
          .onClick(() => {
          }).margin({ top: 20 })

          .onClick(() => {
          }).margin({ top: 20 })
        Button('SerialSend cb')
          .onClick(() => {
          }).margin({ top: 20 })

          .onClick(() => {
          }).margin({ top: 20 })
        Button('SerialRecv cb')
          .onClick(() => {
          }).margin({ top: 20 })
  • 因为在编写接口时已经将d.ts文件加入so库中,所以需要加入 // @ts-ignore 防止编译失败
  • 编写完成后点击右上角头像进行登陆,然后选择file>Project Structure>Signing configs>Automatically generate signature进行自动签名
  • 连接开发板,点击右上角的debug按钮
  • 点击下方log按钮,在搜索栏内设置过滤白名单,点击设备上显示的open按钮,查看返回信息



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