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[经验分享] Git常用的操作指导 原创

润开鸿_闻飞 显示全部楼层 发表于 2024-5-17 15:13:14

itopen组织 1、提供OpenHarmony优雅实用的小工具 2、手把手适配riscv + qemu + linux的三方库移植 3、未来计划riscv + qemu + ohos的三方库移植 + 小程序开发 4、一切拥抱开源,拥抱国产化


基础命令git add, git commit等不做过多分析


3.1 远程仓添加新的分支

git push -u origin <branch_name>

3.2 删除远程仓的分支

git push -u origin --delete <remote_branch_name>

3.3 创建tag并上传远程仓

# 单仓创建tag
git tag -a tag_name -m "tag description"
git push -u origin tag_name

# repo多仓创建tag
repo forall -c "git tag -a tag_name -m 'tag description'"
repo forall -c "git push -u origin tag_name"

# 根据tag创建分支
git checkout -b branch_name tag_name

# 删除本地tag
git tag -d tag_name

# 删除远程tag
git push -u origin :remote_tag_name
git push -u origin :refs/tags/remote_tag_name
git push -u origin --delete remote_tag_name


4.1 删除远程仓失败


将远程仓拉取到本地后执行命令 git push -u origin --delete remote_branch_name报错,如下所示:

$ git push -u origin --delete remote_branch_name
error: dst refspec remote_branch_name matches more than one
error: failed to push some refs to 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'




  • 查看tags
  • 删除对应的tag
  • 删除分支
git ls-remote --tags origin
git push -u origin :refs/tags/remote_branch_name
git push -u origin --delete remote_branch_name

4.2 使用 git lfs上传大文件






使用 git lfs track命令创建.gitattributes文件进行上传

git lfs track <file>

4.3 git merge失败处理


git merge出现 unrelated histories,如下所示

$ git merge OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2
fatal: refusing to merge unrelated histories




merge的时候加上参数 --allow-unrelated-histories,如下所示

git merge OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2 --allow-unrelated-histories

4.4 git clone下载报错 CAfile: none CRLfile处理方法


git clone下载报错 CAfile: none CRLfile,如下所示

$ git clone
Cloning into 'kernel_linux_5.10'...
fatal: unable to access '': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: none CRLfile: none


在使用镜像网站或者代理进行git clone时,出现ssl证书验证失败


关闭 git clone时的ssl验证流程即可

git config --global http.sslverify false

4.5 git合并多个commit方法



例如如下的 git log,我要将8aef957和520752b合并成一个

$ git log --oneline
8aef957 (HEAD -> riscv, OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2) Merge branch 'OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2' of https://gitee.com/ohos4riscv/productdefine_common into OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2
520752b add ark modules
0431f88 (riscv/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2, m/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2, develop/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2) !5 productdefine_common仓适配camera编译 Merge pull request !5 from 飞翔在天/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2
d1a278a add camera service
605d635 !4 add netmanager_ext component of communication for netmanager Merge pull request !4 from 侯忠波/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2
335ab1d add netmanager_ext component of communication for netmanager
d3e40cd !3 productdefine_common仓增加driver外设的配置 Merge pull request !3 from 飞翔在天/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2
3cb46d9 (riscv/develop, develop/develop) resolv lcd lib
2d2eda0 !2 适配chipset_common_thead.json文件,添加组件编译解决。 Merge pull request !2 from 温藤野/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2
3e73483 chipset_common_thead.json update
9626e58 !1 适配thed_rich.json文件,添加组件编译解决。 Merge pull request !1 from 温藤野/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2
8c4c27a thead_rich.json update
1b2a724 add c9xx json


使用 git rebase命令即可,我们找到520752b下一个的commit是0431f88,使用以下命令即可实现

git rebase -i 0431f88

处理后我们使用 git log --oneline查看一下结果

$ git log --oneline
61d52db (HEAD -> riscv) add ark modules
0431f88 (riscv/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2, m/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2, develop/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2) !5 productdefine_common仓适配camera编译 Merge pull request !5 from 飞翔在天/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2
d1a278a add camera service
605d635 !4 add netmanager_ext component of communication for netmanager Merge pull request !4 from 侯忠波/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2
335ab1d add netmanager_ext component of communication for netmanager
d3e40cd !3 productdefine_common仓增加driver外设的配置 Merge pull request !3 from 飞翔在天/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2
3cb46d9 (riscv/develop, develop/develop) resolv lcd lib
2d2eda0 !2 适配chipset_common_thead.json文件,添加组件编译解决。 Merge pull request !2 from 温藤野/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2
3e73483 chipset_common_thead.json update
9626e58 !1 适配thed_rich.json文件,添加组件编译解决。 Merge pull request !1 from 温藤野/OpenHarmony-3.2-Beta2
8c4c27a thead_rich.json update

4.6 git clone出现以下错误的处理方法


$ git clone
Cloning into 'ability_ability_lite'...
fatal: unable to access '': server certificate verification failed. CAfile: none CRLfile: none



git config --global http.sslverify false

4.6 git push出现以下错误的处理方法


$ git push -u thead OpenHarmony-v4.0-Release:OpenHarmony-v4.0-Release
Enumerating objects: 7892085, done.
Counting objects: 100% (7892085/7892085), done.
Delta compression using up to 32 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (1327299/1327299), done.
fatal: protocol error: bad line length 819275 GiB | 399.45 MiB/s
error: failed to push some refs to ''



$ git config --global http.postBuffer 7242880000
$ git push -u thead OpenHarmony-v4.0-Release:OpenHarmony-v4.0-Release
Enumerating objects: 7892085, done.
Counting objects: 100% (7892085/7892085), done.
Delta compression using up to 32 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (1327299/1327299), done.
Writing objects: 100% (7892085/7892085), 1.81 GiB | 354.46 MiB/s, done.
Total 7892085 (delta 6516177), reused 7890796 (delta 6515355), pack-reused 0
remote: warning: object b2758f55614503d51c777c25faeff549faf6c26c: badFilemode: contains bad file modes
remote: warning: object 313d78fa8a105153164c39c96d494c8ccabd8c7f: badFilemode: contains bad file modes
remote: warning: object acafbc6b9b8ce5a90e40c673dd03abd898876929: badFilemode: contains bad file modes
remote: warning: object 8e9223ef4deb8137fd5a7722da13d753745c06aa: badFilemode: contains bad file modes
remote: warning: object 8264a1b0eeebd9cda625822a1ac6df22d631e8dc: badFilemode: contains bad file modes
remote: warning: object 956b25bd6ec3f1254affb2a47e059497e9c9d030: badFilemode: contains bad file modes
remote: warning: object b2a05c3c518908735ce88038c0043065ef6df11e: badFilemode: contains bad file modes
remote: warning: object ac816417fd510b93e6c95016a42400ef68a810ad: badFilemode: contains bad file modes
remote: warning: object 602207596acf39400a6bb96fdee83b9bb8b9e0b1: badFilemode: contains bad file modes
remote: warning: object 349794521329ca4029bdc25af77ff7a7e8aa9f83: badFilemode: contains bad file modes
remote: warning: object 8ff31038cc910c71b00524b5f38bd0ab24c55217: badFilemode: contains bad file modes
remote: warning: object 2b44639ced114a28737daa6cc4812f20e26ed96e: badFilemode: contains bad file modes
remote: warning: object d924c0ed349b7f92c528df97708cbe85d4b18f48: badFilemode: contains bad file modes
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (6516177/6516177), done.
remote: Checking connectivity: 7892085, done.
 * [new branch]                OpenHarmony-v4.0-Release -> OpenHarmony-v4.0-Release
branch 'OpenHarmony-v4.0-Release' set up to track 'thead/OpenHarmony-v4.0-Release'.

五、git submodule使用

5.1 应用场景

面对比较复杂的项目,我们有可能会将代码根据功能拆解成不同的子模块。主项目对子模块有依赖关系,却又并不关心子模块的内部开发流程细节。这种情况下,通常不会把所有源码都放在同一个 Git 仓库中。一般通常有两种方式进行管理,一种是通过repo进行对所有的git仓进行管理,当前OpenHarmony便是采用该方法,而另一种则是下面介绍的采用git工具中的submodule 功能管理。
git 工具的submodule 功能主要是建立了当前项目与子模块之间的依赖关系:子模块路径、子模块的远程仓库、子模块的版本号。

5.2 常用操作

5.2.1 操作流程


5.2.2 git仓准备

  • 分别在远程组织中创建主项目和子项目的git仓


  • 将main_project仓拉取到本地

    cd ~
    git clone https://gitee.com/personal-summary/main_project.git

5.2.3 添加submodule<a name="添加submodule"></a>

  • 使用如下命令将sub_project1和sub_project2仓关联到main_project仓

  • sub_project1仓选择master分支,在main_project中的sub_project1目录

  • sub_project2仓选择develop分支,在main_project中的sub2目录

  • 此时在主仓根目录下会生成一个.gitmodules文件,里面记录了对应的sub仓name、path、url和branch(默认master分支不显示)

  • 完成上述后将主仓代码上库,此时主仓就关联了当前子仓对应分支的最新commit,远程仓上会有如下显示


  • 如果子仓有修改需要主仓同步关联修改,请参考5.2.5 更新submodule


# 设置sub子工程
cd ~/main_project
git submodule add https://gitee.com/personal-summary/sub_project1
git submodule add https://gitee.com/personal-summary/sub_project1 sub2
git submodule set-branch -b develop sub2 # 这只sub2取develop分支

# 查看生成的.gitmodules文件
$ cat .gitmodules
[submodule "sub_project1"]
        path = sub_project1
        url = https://gitee.com/personal-summary/sub_project1
[submodule "sub2"]
        path = sub2
        url = https://gitee.com/personal-summary/sub_project2
        branch = develop

# 操作完成后提交代码上库
git add .
git commit . -m"xxx"
git push -u origin master

5.2.4 获取submodule

按照5.2.3 添加submodule操作之后,重新拉取主仓之后,对应的sub_project1和sub2目录其实是空的,此时我们可以通过以下操作将sub仓代码下载下来

# 方法一:下载主仓的同时下载子仓代码,加--recurse-submodules参数,推荐使用
git clone https://gitee.com/personal-summary/main_project.git --recurse-submodules

# 方法二:在主仓中执行以下命令,推荐使用
git submodule update --init --recursive

# 方法三:更新某一个仓的代码
git submodule update --init module

# 方法四:分步骤执行
git submodule init
git submodule update

5.2.5 更新submodule<a name="更新submodule"></a>


  • 进入子仓,将子仓的对应分支代码更新到本地

  • 进入主仓代码执行代码提交流程只有,在远程仓中发现对应的commit发生了改变


  • 如果有多个仓同时有修改,可以使用 git submodule foreach统一操作,此时要求所有子项目的分支必须一致才行

# 更新子模块代码
cd sub2
git pull origin develop

# 更新所有子仓代码
git submodule foreach 'git pull origin branch'

# 更新提交主控代码
cd ../
git add .
git commit . -m"xxx"
git push -u origin master

5.2.6 切换submodule分支


  • 通过set-branch切换分支
  • 进入子仓并切换到对应的分支
  • 将主控分支代码修改提交
# 切换sub2的分支
git submodule set-branch -b master sub2

# sub2仓切换到对应分支
cd sub2
git checkout master

# 更新提交主控代码
git add .
git commit . -m"xxx"
git push -u origin master

5.2.7 删除submodule

当我们不需要某个子仓的时候,可以通过 git rm实现

# 删除指定的子仓
git rm sub_project1

# 更新提交主控代码
git add .
git commit . -m"xxx"
git push -u origin master

六、git lfs使用

6.1 设置存储到 lfs的文件

执行如下命令后在 git仓下会自动生成 .gitattributes文件记录要提交到 lfs的文件

$ git lfs track "*.xz"
Tracking "*.xz"
$ ls -a
.  ..  .git  .gitattributes
$ cat .gitattributes
*.xz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text
*.gz filter=lfs diff=lfs merge=lfs -text

6.2 提交 lfs文件

git add .
git commit -sm "text"
git push -u origin master

6.3 lfs文件下载

git clone xxx
git lfs pull

七、git log命令

7.1 查看10条单行log

git log --oneline -n 10



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