• Lv1

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scyff 显示全部楼层 发表于 2024-12-23 09:59:24

2024-12-20 17:10:45,217] [14908] [DeviceLite] [DEBUG] [local_COM7 execute result:# ./ActsHuksLiteFunctionTest.bin --gtest_output=xml:/storage/test_root/securitest.bin --gtest_output=xml:/storage/test_root/securit <y/reports/ActsHuksLiteFunl:/storage/test_root/security/reports/ActsHuksLiteFun <ctionTest/ Running main() from ../../../third_party/googletest/googletest/src/gtest_main.cc [==========] Running 40 tests from 13 test suites. [----------] Global test environment set-up. [----------] 4 tests from HksAesTest [ RUN ] HksAesTest.HksAesTest001 01-08 22:51:01.100 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksInitialize[79]: enter initialize

01-08 22:51:01.100 1796 1796 I 01800/Samgr: Initialize Client Registry! 01-08 22:51:01.101 1338 1277 D 01800/Samgr: Judge Auth<huks_service, huks_feature> ret:0 01-08 22:51:01.101 1796 1796 I 01518/IPCRPC: ipc skeleton wait for proxy init 01-08 22:51:01.101 1796 1796 E 01518/IPCRPC: first add death callback for handle = 1. 01-08 22:51:01.101 1796 1796 I 01800/Samgr: Create remote sa proxy<huks_service, huks_feature>! [INFO] TestAes256ByAgree: enter 01-08 22:51:01.101 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksInitialize[81]: leave initialize, result = 0 [INFO] GenerateBaseKey: Test_Aes_gen_by_derive BASEKEY!

01-08 22:51:01.101 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksGenerateKey[105]: enter generate key

01-08 22:51:01.102 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: MakeDirIfNotExist[292]: dir not exist, path = /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/+0+0+0+0

01-08 22:51:01.102 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[941]: delete key or certchain, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/+0+0+0+0/key, key alias: test_aes_key_by_derive_base_name_e****19_1

01-08 22:51:01.102 1531 1322 W 02F00/HUKS: GetFileCount[1067]: can't open directory

01-08 22:51:01.102 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: GetAgreeBaseKey[647]: not an aes key, no need check main key and derive factor

01-08 22:51:01.129 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[934]: generate key or certchain, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/+0+0+0+0/key, key alias: test_aes_key_by_derive_base_name_e****19_1

01-08 22:51:01.130 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: MakeDirIfNotExist[292]: dir not exist, path = /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/+0+0+0+0/key

[INFO] GenerateBaseKey: Test_Aes_gen_by_derive BASEKEY! 01-08 22:51:01.136 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksGenerateKey[123]: leave generate persistent key, result = 0

01-08 22:51:01.136 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksGenerateKey[105]: enter generate key

01-08 22:51:01.136 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[941]: delete key or certchain, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/+0+0+0+0/key, key alias: test_aes_key_by_derive_base_name_e****19_2

01-08 22:51:01.136 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: GetAgreeBaseKey[647]: not an aes key, no need check main key and derive factor

01-08 22:51:01.137 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[934]: generate key or certchain, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/+0+0+0+0/key, key alias: test_aes_key_by_derive_base_name_e****19_2

01-08 22:51:01.140 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksGenerateKey[123]: leave generate persistent key, result = 0

01-08 22:51:01.140 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksExportPublicKey[179]: enter export public key

01-08 22:51:01.140 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[938]: use key, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/+0+0+0+0/key, key alias: test_aes_key_by_derive_base_name_e****19_1

01-08 22:51:01.141 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksExportPublicKey[185]: leave export public key, result = 0

01-08 22:51:01.141 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksExportPublicKey[179]: enter export public key

01-08 22:51:01.141 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[938]: use key, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/+0+0+0+0/key, key alias: test_aes_key_by_derive_base_name_e****19_2

[INFO] ImportPubKey: Test_Import pubKey! 01-08 22:51:01.142 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksExportPublicKey[185]: leave export public key, result = 0

01-08 22:51:01.142 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksImportKey[138]: enter import key

01-08 22:51:01.142 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[941]: delete key or certchain, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/+0+0+0+0/key, key alias: test_aes_key_by_derive_base_nameed25519****bkey

01-08 22:51:01.143 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[934]: generate key or certchain, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/+0+0+0+0/key, key alias: test_aes_key_by_derive_base_nameed25519****bkey

[INFO] ImportPubKey: Test_Import pubKey! 01-08 22:51:01.147 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksImportKey[143]: leave import key, result = 0

01-08 22:51:01.148 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksImportKey[138]: enter import key

01-08 22:51:01.148 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[941]: delete key or certchain, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/mbinder: release 1322:1531 transaction 106 in, still active aindata/+0+0+0+0/key, key alias: test_aes_key_by_derive_base_nameed25519****bkey [INFO] GenerateAesAgreeKey: Test_Aes_gen_by_a[pid=1][Init][INFO][init_common_service.c:689]Reap service huks_server, pid 1322. gree key!

01-08 22:51:01.149 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[934]: generate key or certchain, storage path: /storage/dabinder: send failed reply for transaction 106 to 1796:1796 ta/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/+0+0+0+0/key, key alias: test_aes_key_by_derive_base_nameed25519****bkey

01-08 22:51:01.152 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksImportKey[143]: leave import key, result = 0

01-08 22:51:01.492 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: H[pid=1][Init][INFO][init_common_service.c:568]Service huks_server(pid 1798) started ksGenerateKey[105]: enter generate key

01-08 22:51:01.492 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[941]: delete key or certchain, sbinder: 1796:1796 transaction failed 29189/-22, size 376-0 line 3304 torage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/+0+0+0+0/key, key alias: test_aes_key_by_agree_name_k****ias1

01-08 22:51:01.493 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[938]: use key, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/+0+0+0+0/key, key alias: test_aes_key_by_derive_base_nameed25519****bkey

01-08 22:51:01.493 1531 1322 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[938]: use key, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindahilog ringbuffer full, drop 4 line(s) log ta/+0+0+0+0/key, key alias: test_aes_key_by_derive_base_name_e****19_1

01-08 22:51:01.509 1 1 I 02C01/Init: [init_common_service.c:68hilog ringbuffer full, drop 3 line(s) log 9]Reap service huks_server, pid 1322. [ASSERT]GenerateAesAgreeKey:fail [INFO] GenerateAesAgreeKey: End Test_Aes_gen_by_ahilog ringbuffer full, drop 2 line(s) log gree key!

[INFO] GenerateAesAgreeKey: Test_Aes_gen_by_agree key!

01-08 22:51:01.526 1 1 I 02C01/Init: [init_common_servichilog ringbuffer full, drop 2 line(s) log e.c:568]Service huks_server(pid 1798) started [ASSERT]GenerateAesAgreeKey:fail [INFO] GenerateAesAgreeKey: End Test_Aes_gen_by_agree key!

01-08 22:51:01.545 1338 1277 I 01518/IPCRPC: dead binder now call SendObituary. 01-08 22:51:01.545 1338 1277 E 01518/IPCRPC: SA dead delete it, handle = 4. 01-08 22:51:01.545 1338 1277 E 01800/Samgr: IPC pid<1322> exit! send clean request retry(3), ret(0)! 01-08 22:51:01.562 1796 1796 E 01518/IPCRPC: ipc send request failed res = -32. 01-08 22:51:01.562 1796 1796 E 02F00/HUKS: CurrentCallback[89]: data copy for curReply failed, cur size is 7936, reply size is -962871480

01-08 22:51:01.562 1726 1283 I 01518/IPCRPC: dead binder now call SendObituary. 01-08 22:51:01.562 1726 1283 E 01518/IPCRPC: SA dead delete it, handle = 1. 01-08 22:51:01.562 1726 1283 E 01800/Samgr: Miss the remote service<4294967295, 4294967295>! 01-08 22:51:01.562 1796 1796 E 02F00/HUKS: HksClientGenerateKey[93]: HksSendRequest fail, ret = -32

01-08 22:51:01.562 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksGenerateKey[123]: leave generate persistent key, result = -32

01-08 22:51:01.562 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksGenerateKey[105]: enter generate key

01-08 22:51:01.610 1797 1796 I 01518/IPCRPC: dead binder now call SendObituary. 01-08 22:51:01.610 1797 1796 E 01518/IPCRPC: SA dead delete it, handle = 1. 01-08 22:51:01.610 1797 1796 E 01800/Samgr: Miss the remote service<4294967295, 4294967295>! 01-08 22:51:01.610 1796 1796 E 01518/IPCRPC: ipc send request failed res = -32. 01-08 22:51:01.610 1796 1796 E 02F00/HUKS: CurrentCallback[89]: data copy for curReply failed, cur size is 7936, reply size is -962871480

01-08 22:51:01.610 1796 1796 E 02F00/HUKS: HksClientGenerateKey[93]: HksSendRequest fail, ret = -32

01-08 22:51:01.610 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksGenerateKey[123]: leave generate persistent key, result = -32

01-08 22:51:01.610 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: HksEncrypt[318]: enter encrypt

01-08 22:51:01.610 1796 1796 I 02F00/HUKS: ProcessDataOnce[78]: invoke ProcessOnce cmdId 10

01-08 22:51:01.610 1796 1796 I 01518/IPCRPC: Internal ipc request called 01-08 22:51:01.629 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 0, id = 0x1010014

01-08 22:51:01.629 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 1, id = 0x1010001

01-08 22:51:01.629 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 2, id = 0x1010002

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 3, id = 0x1010065

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 4, id = 0x1010066

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 5, id = 0x1020001

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 6, id = 0x1020002

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 7, id = 0x1020066

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 8, id = 0x1020065

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 9, id = 0x1050001

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 10, id = 0x1050066

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 11, id = 0x1060001

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 12, id = 0x1060066

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 13, id = 0x1170001

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 14, id = 0x1170014

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 30, id = 0x1070000

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 31, id = 0x1080000

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 32, id = 0x1090000

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 33, id = 0x11b0000

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 34, id = 0x1160000

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 35, id = 0x10a0000

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 36, id = 0x10b0000

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 37, id = 0x10c0000

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 38, id = 0x11a0000

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 39, id = 0x1140000

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 40, id = 0x1190000

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RegisterAbility[35]: register ability i = 41, id = 0x1130000

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: GenerateAuthTokenKey[624]: generate At key success!

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: HksCoreInitAuthTokenKey[658]: generate At key success!

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[938]: use key, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/hksclient/info, key alias: minfo1****data

01-08 22:51:01.630 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[938]: use key, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/hksclient/info, key alias: minfo2****data

01-08 22:51:01.631 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[938]: use key, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/hksclient/info, key alias: rinfo1****data

01-08 22:51:01.631 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: RecordKeyOperation[938]: use key, storage path: /storage/data/service/el1/public/huks_service/maindata/hksclient/info, key alias: rinfo2****data

01-08 22:51:01.631 1798 1798 W 02C02/PARAM: [param_base.c:447]Param 'const.product.udid' label gid:12 uid:12 mode 0100 01-08 22:51:01.631 1798 1798 W 02C02/PARAM: [param_base.c:448]Cfg label 6148 gid:-1 uid:0 mode 01e8 01-08 22:51:01.631 1798 1798 E 02C02/PARAM: [param_manager.c:641]Forbid to access const.product.udid label 6148 0 01-08 22:51:01.631 1798 1798 W 02C02/PARAM: [param_base.c:447]Param 'const.product.devUdid' label gid:12 uid:12 mode 0100 01-08 22:51:01.631 1798 1798 W 02C02/PARAM: [param_base.c:448]Cfg label 6196 gid:-1 uid:0 mode 01e8 01-08 22:51:01.631 1798 1798 E 02C02/PARAM: [param_manager.c:641]Forbid to access const.product.devUdid label 6196 0 01-08 22:51:01.632 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: Init[70]: HUKS service init

01-08 22:51:01.632 1798 1798 I 02F00/HUKS: Init[183]: HUKS feature init

01-08 22:51:01.657 1798 1798 I 01800/Samgr: Bootstrap core services(count:1). 01-08 22:51:01.657 1798 1798 I 01800/Samgr: Init service:huks_service 01-08 22:51:01.657 1800 1798 I 01800/Samgr: Initialize Client Registry! 01-08 22:51:01.657 1800 1798 I 01800/Samgr: Init service huks_service <time: 25ms> success! 01-08 22:51:01.672 1800 1798 I 01800/Samgr: Initialized all core system services! 01-08 22:51:01.672 1338 1277 I 01518/IPCRPC: ipc skeleton wait for proxy init 01-08 22:51:01.672 1338 1277 E 01518/IPCRPC: invalid callback id. 01-08 22:51:01.688 1338 1277 E 01518/IPCRPC: first add death callback for handle = 4. 01-08 22:51:01.688 1800 1798 I 01800/Samgr: Goto next boot step return code:-9 01-08 22:51:01.688 1338 1277 I 01800/Samgr: Register Endpoint<1798, 4, 0> 01-08 22:51:01.703 1801 1798 E 01518/IPCRPC: invalid callback id. 01-08 22:51:01.704 1338 1277 D 01800/Samgr: Register Feature<huks_service, huks_feature> pid<1798>, id<4, 0> ret:0 01-08 22:51:01.704 1801 1798 D 01800/Samgr: RegisterRemoteFeatures<huks_service, huks_feature> ret:0 01-08 22:51:01.704 1801 1798 I 01800/Samgr: Register endpoint<ipc client> and iunknown finished! remain<0> iunknown! Signal 11


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