
标题: 应用与输入法捕获按键事件冲突问题分析报告 [打印本页]

作者: Laval社区小助手    时间: 2024-9-4 10:48
标题: 应用与输入法捕获按键事件冲突问题分析报告
[md]# 1 关键字


# 2 问题描述



# 3 问题原因

## 3.1 正常机制

窗口子系统分发按键事件到 `ACE`,应用组件触发 `onKeyEvent`事件。

08-05 18:37:24.890  2053  2053 I C04200/WindowInputChannel: <44>HandleKeyEvent: Receive key event, windowId: 17, keyCode: 2013
08-05 18:37:24.890  2053  2053 I C04200/WindowInputChannel: <105>IsKeyboardEvent: isKeyFN: 0, isKeyboard: 1
08-05 18:37:24.890  2053  2053 I C04200/WindowInputChannel: <61>HandleKeyEvent: dispatch keyEvent to input method
08-05 18:37:24.891  2130  2131 I C01c00/ImsaKit: line: 38, function: OnRemoteRequest,InputMethodAgentStub::OnRemoteRequest code = 1
08-05 18:37:24.891  2130  2131 I C01c00/ImsaKit: line: 82, function: DispatchKeyEvent,InputMethodAgentStub:ispatchKeyEvent
08-05 18:37:24.891  2130  2131 I C01c00/ImsaKit: line: 303, function: DispatchKeyEvent,key = 2013, status = 3
08-05 18:37:24.891  2053  2053 I C04200/WindowInputChannel: <66>HandleKeyEvent: dispatch keyEvent to ACE
08-05 18:37:24.892  2053  2053 I C04200/WindowImpl: <2108>ConsumeKeyEvent: KeyCode: 2013, action: 3
08-05 18:37:24.892  2053  2053 I C04200/WindowImpl: <2121>ConsumeKeyEvent: Transfer key event to uiContent

## 3.2 异常机制

窗口子系统未将按键事件分发到 `ACE`,应用组件无法触发 `onKeyEvent`事件。

08-05 18:42:28.998  2053  2053 I C04200/WindowInputChannel: <44>HandleKeyEvent: Receive key event, windowId: 17, keyCode: 2013
08-05 18:42:28.998  2053  2053 I C04200/WindowInputChannel: <105>IsKeyboardEvent: isKeyFN: 0, isKeyboard: 1
08-05 18:42:28.999  2053  2053 I C04200/WindowInputChannel: <61>HandleKeyEvent: dispatch keyEvent to input method
08-05 18:42:28.999  2130  2131 I C01c00/ImsaKit: line: 38, function: OnRemoteRequest,InputMethodAgentStub::OnRemoteRequest code = 1
08-05 18:42:28.999  2130  2131 I C01c00/ImsaKit: line: 82, function: DispatchKeyEvent,InputMethodAgentStub:ispatchKeyEvent
08-05 18:42:28.999  2130  2131 I C01c00/ImsaKit: line: 303, function: DispatchKeyEvent,key = 2013, status = 3
08-05 18:42:28.999  2130  2131 I C01c00/ImsaKit: line: 356, function: OnKeyEvent,run in OnKeyEvent
08-05 18:42:28.999  2130  2131 I C01c00/ImsaKit: line: 412, function: GetKeyEventUVwork,run in GetKeyEventUVwork
08-05 18:42:29.001  2130  2130 I C01c00/ImsaKit: line: 477, function: MoveCursor,InputMethodAbility::MoveCursor
08-05 18:42:29.001  2130  2130 I C01c00/ImsaKit: line: 143, function: MoveCursor,InputDataChannelProxy::MoveCursor
08-05 18:42:29.001  1970  1976 I C01c00/ImsaKit: line: 41, function: OnRemoteRequest,InputDataChannelStub::OnRemoteRequest code = 11
08-05 18:42:29.001  1970  1976 I C01c00/ImsaKit: line: 218, function: MoveCursor,InputDataChannelStub::MoveCursor
08-05 18:42:29.002  1970  2013 I C01c00/ImsaKit: line: 214, function: WorkThread,InputMethodController::WorkThread MoveCursor

# 4 解决方案


在 `foundation/window/window_manager/wm/`文件中,设置 `imf_enable`为 `false`,使得窗口子系统在分发事件时跳过输入法捕获焦点函数。

// foundation/window/window_manager/wm/
imf_enable = false // 添加此行
if (imf_enable == true) {
   external_deps += [ "imf:inputmethod_client" ]
   defines += [ "IMF_ENABLE" ]


// foundation/arkui/ace_engine/frameworks/core/components/text_field/render_text_field.cpp
bool RenderTextField::CloseKeyboard(bool forceClose)
   if (!isOverlayShowed_ || !isOverlayFocus_ || forceClose) {
       auto inputMethod = MiscServices::InputMethodController::GetInstance();
       if (!inputMethod) {
           LOGE("Request close soft keyboard failed because input method is null.");
           return false;
       inputMethod->Close();  // 添加此行
       if (HasConnection()) {
           connection_ = nullptr;
   return false;

# 5 定位过程

1. 对比正常机制和异常机制捕获的日志,发现正常机制可以将按键事件分发到 `ACE`框架中,查看窗口子系统分发事件的逻辑代码。

// foundation/window/window_manager/wm/src/window_input_channel.cpp
void WindowInputChannel::HandleKeyEvent(std::shared_ptr<MMI::KeyEvent>& keyEvent)
   bool inputMethodHasProcessed = false;
   bool isKeyboardEvent = IsKeyboardEvent(keyEvent);
   if (isKeyboardEvent) {
       WLOGFI("dispatch keyEvent to input method");
       inputMethodHasProcessed = MiscServices::InputMethodController::GetInstance()->dispatchKeyEvent(keyEvent);
#endif // IMF_ENABLE
   if (!inputMethodHasProcessed) {
       WLOGFI("dispatch keyEvent to ACE");

2. 通过源码得知,如果想将按键事件分发到 `ACE`,需要 `inputMethodHasProcessed`变量为 `false`,追踪 `MiscServices::InputMethodController::GetInstance()->dispatchKeyEvent(keyEvent)`执行逻辑。

// base/inputmethod/imf/frameworks/inputmethod_ability/src/input_method_ability.cpp
bool InputMethodAbility:ispatchKeyEvent(int32_t keyCode, int32_t keyStatus)
   IMSA_HILOGI("key = %{public}d, status = %{public}d", keyCode, keyStatus);
   if (!isBindClient) {
       return false;
   if (!kdListener_) {
       IMSA_HILOGI("InputMethodAbility:ispatchKeyEvent kdListener_ is nullptr");
       return false;
   return kdListener_->OnKeyEvent(keyCode, keyStatus);

3. 当正常情况输入法未开启时 `isBindClient`变量值为 `false`,此时返回 `false`,则 `inputMethodHasProcessed`最终结果为 `false`,会触发按键事件分发到 `ACE`的函数。
4. 当异常情况下,继续执行进入 `OnKeyEvent`函数。

// base/inputmethod/imf/interfaces/kits/js/napi/inputmethodability/js_keyboard_delegate_setting.cpp
bool JsKeyboardDelegateSetting::OnKeyEvent(int32_t keyCode, int32_t keyStatus)
   IMSA_HILOGI("run in OnKeyEvent");
   KeyEventPara para{ keyCode, keyStatus, false };
   std::string type = (keyStatus == ARGC_TWO ? "keyDown" : "keyUp");
   auto isDone = std::make_shared<BlockData<bool>>(MAX_TIMEOUT, false);
   uv_work_t *work = GetKeyEventUVwork(type, para, isDone);   // 获取按键事件执行的work实例,不为空
   if (work == nullptr) {
       IMSA_HILOGE("GetKeyEventUVwork nullptr");
       return false;
       loop_, work, [](uv_work_t *work) {},
       [](uv_work_t *work, int status) {
           bool isResult = false;
           std::shared_ptr<UvEntry> entry(static_cast<UvEntry *>(work->data), [work](UvEntry *data) {
               delete data;
               delete work;
           bool isOnKeyEvent = false;
           for (auto item : entry->vecCopy) {
               napi_value jsObject =
                   GetResultOnKeyEvent(item->env_, entry->keyEventPara.keyCode, entry->keyEventPara.keyStatus);
               if (jsObject == nullptr) {
                   IMSA_HILOGE("get GetResultOnKeyEvent failed: %{punlic}p", jsObject);
               napi_value callback = nullptr;
               napi_value args[] = { jsObject };
               napi_get_reference_value(item->env_, item->callback_, &callback);
               if (callback == nullptr) {
                   IMSA_HILOGE("callback is nullptr");
               napi_value global = nullptr;
               napi_get_global(item->env_, &global);
               napi_value result = nullptr;
               napi_status callStatus = napi_call_function(item->env_, global, callback, 1, args, &result); // 执行按键回调函数,返回结果为 true
               if (callStatus != napi_ok) {
                       "notify data change failed callStatus:%{public}d callback:%{public}p", callStatus, callback);
               if (result != nullptr) {
                   napi_get_value_bool(item->env_, result, &isResult);
                   if (isResult) {
                       isOnKeyEvent = true;
   return isDone->GetValue();

5. 在 `OnKeyEvent`函数中执行按键事件回调,返回 `true`,从而使得 `inputMethodHasProcessed`变量为 `true`,窗口子系统无法将事件分发至 `ACE`,导致按键操作无效。
6. 查看进程中,存在输入法进程,尝试杀死输入方进程,按键事件正常分发至 `ACE`框架。



7. 查看在隐藏输入法时,`ACE`框架所做的处理。

// foundation/arkui/ace_engine/frameworks/core/components/text_field/render_text_field.cpp
bool RenderTextField::CloseKeyboard(bool forceClose)
   if (!isOverlayShowed_ || !isOverlayFocus_ || forceClose) {
       if (!textFieldController_) {
       LOGI("Request close soft keyboard");
       auto inputMethod = MiscServices::InputMethodController::GetInstance();
       if (!inputMethod) {
           LOGE("Request close soft keyboard failed because input method is null.");
           return false;
       if (HasConnection()) {
           connection_ = nullptr;

       if (onKeyboardClose_) {
           onKeyboardClose_ = nullptr;
       if (keyboard_ != TextInputType::MULTILINE && keyboard_ != TextInputType::VISIBLE_PASSWORD) {
           resetToStart_ = true;
       return true;
   return false;

7. 输入法在隐藏键盘后,未释放输入法实例,导致 `isBindClient`状态为 `true`,从而进入输入法按键事件捕获函数。

# 6 知识分享


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