
标题: 简析OpenHarmony用户鉴权 [打印本页]

作者: 深开鸿_王石    时间: 2023-12-20 16:04
标题: 简析OpenHarmony用户鉴权

* **pin\_auth(口令认证):模块支持用户口令的设置,删除和认证功能。与用户IAM子系统基础框架配合,也可以支持用户口令修改的功能;口令认证作为OpenHarmony最基础的用户身份认证执行器,按照协同认证定义的资源注册接口,将口令认证相关资源信息注册到协同认证框架,并根据协同认证框架的调度,完成口令的设置,删除和认证功能;**
* **face\_auth(人脸认证):支持用户人脸的录入,删除和认证功能;人脸认证是OpenHarmony支持的一种生物认证执行器,按照协同认证定义的资源注册接口,将人脸认证相关资源信息注册到协同认证框架,并根据协同认证框架的调度,调用人脸认证HDI,完成人脸的录入,认证,删除等功能。**
* **user\_auth\_framework:主要包括三个模块,用户认证、凭据管理和执行器管理:**
  * **用户认证模块**对外提供统一用户身份认证功能,并且开放生物特征认证API给三方应用调用。
  * **凭据管理模块**提供系统内统一的用户凭据管理(增删改查)接口,向下通过执行器管理模块,调用系统内的执行器资源,完成用户凭据的生命周期管理和安全存储。
  * **执行器管理模块**提供系统内执行器资源的统一管理和协同调度能力,当前支持口令执行器和人脸执行器的管理。


* **接口**

  import osAccount from '@ohos.account.osAccount'

  * **凭证管理**
    * Provides the abilities for managing user identity.
    * @name UserIdentityManager
    * @syscap SystemCapability.Account.OsAccount
    * @since 8
    class UserIdentityManager {
        * Constructor to get the UserIdentityManager class instance.
        * @returns Returns the UserIdentityManager class instance.
        * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
        * @since 8

        * Opens session.
        * <p>
        * Start an IDM operation to obtain challenge value.
        * A challenge value of 0 indicates that opensession failed.
        * @permission ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM
        * @returns Returns a challenge value.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300001 - system service exception.
        * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
        * @since 8
        openSession(callback: AsyncCallback<Uint8Array>): void;
        openSession(): Promise<Uint8Array>;

        * Adds credential.
        * <p>
        * Add user credential information, pass in credential addition method and credential information
        * (credential type, subclass, if adding user's non password credentials, pass in password authentication token),
        * and get the result / acquireinfo callback.
        * @permission ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM
        * @param credentialInfo Indicates the credential information.
        * @param callback Indicates the callback to get results and acquireInfo.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300001 - system service exception.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300002 - invalid credentialInfo.
        * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
        * @since 8
        addCredential(credentialInfo: CredentialInfo, callback: IIdmCallback): void;

        * Updates credential.
        * @permission ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM
        * @param credentialInfo Indicates the credential information.
        * @param callback Indicates the callback to get results and acquireInfo.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300001 - system service exception.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300002 - invalid credentialInfo.
        * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
        * @since 8
        updateCredential(credentialInfo: CredentialInfo, callback: IIdmCallback): void;

        * Closes session.
        * <p>
        * End an IDM operation.  
        * @permission ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM
        * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
        * @since 8
        closeSession(): void;

        * Cancels entry with a challenge value.
        * @permission ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM
        * @param challenge Indicates the challenge value.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300001 - system service exception.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300002 - invalid challenge.
        * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
        * @since 8
        cancel(challenge: Uint8Array): void;

        * Deletes the user with the authentication token.
        * @permission ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM
        * @param token Indicates the authentication token.
        * @param callback Indicates the callback to get the deletion result.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300001 - system service exception.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300002 - invalid token.
        * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
        * @since 8
        delUser(token: Uint8Array, callback: IIdmCallback): void;

        * Deletes the user credential information.
        * @permission ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM
        * @param credentialId Indicates the credential index.
        * @param token Indicates the authentication token.
        * @param callback Indicates the callback to get the deletion result.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300001 - system service exception.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300002 - invalid credentialId or token.
        * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
        * @since 8
        delCred(credentialId: Uint8Array, token: Uint8Array, callback: IIdmCallback): void;

        * Gets authentication information.
        * @permission ohos.permission.USE_USER_IDM
        * @param authType Indicates the authentication type.
        * @param callback Indicates the callback to get all registered credential information of
        * the specified type for the current user.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300001 - system service exception.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300002 - invalid authType.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300015 - the authType is not supported on current device.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300016 - authentication timeout.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300017 - authentication service is busy.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300018 - authentication service is locked.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300019 - the credential does not exist.
        * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
        * @since 8
        getAuthInfo(callback: AsyncCallback<Array<EnrolledCredInfo>>): void;
        getAuthInfo(authType: AuthType, callback: AsyncCallback<Array<EnrolledCredInfo>>): void;
        getAuthInfo(authType?: AuthType): Promise<Array<EnrolledCredInfo>>;
  * **用户管理**
         * Provides the abilities for user authentication.
         * @name UserAuth
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Account.OsAccount
         * @since 8
        class UserAuth {
             * Constructor to get the UserAuth class instance.
             * @returns Returns the UserAuth class instance.
             * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
             * @since 8

             * Gets version information.
             * @returns Returns the version information.
             * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
             * @since 8
            getVersion(): number;

             * Checks whether the authentication capability is available.
             * @permission ohos.permission.ACCESS_USER_AUTH_INTERNAL
             * @param authType Indicates the credential type for authentication.
             * @param authTrustLevel Indicates the trust level of authentication result.
             * @returns Returns a status result.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300001 - system service exception.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300002 - invalid authType or authTrustLevel.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300014 - the authTrustLevel is not supported on current device
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300015 - the authType is not supported on current device.
             * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
             * @since 8
            getAvailableStatus(authType: AuthType, authTrustLevel: AuthTrustLevel): number;

             * Gets the property based on the specified request information.
             * @permission ohos.permission.ACCESS_USER_AUTH_INTERNAL
             * @param request Indicates the request information, including authentication type, and property type list.
             * @returns Returns an executor property.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300001 - system service exception.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300002 - invalid request.
             * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
             * @since 8
            getProperty(request: GetPropertyRequest, callback: AsyncCallback<ExecutorProperty>): void;
            getProperty(request: GetPropertyRequest): Promise<ExecutorProperty>;

             * Sets property that can be used to initialize algorithms.
             * @permission ohos.permission.ACCESS_USER_AUTH_INTERNAL
             * @param request Indicates the request information, including authentication type and the key-value to be set.
             * @returns Returns a number value indicating whether the property setting was successful.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300001 - system service exception.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300002 - invalid request.
             * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
             * @since 8
            setProperty(request: SetPropertyRequest, callback: AsyncCallback<number>): void;
            setProperty(request: SetPropertyRequest): Promise<number>;

             * Executes authentication.
             * @permission ohos.permission.ACCESS_USER_AUTH_INTERNAL
             * @param challenge Indicates the challenge value.
             * @param authType Indicates the authentication type.
             * @param authTrustLevel Indicates the trust level of authentication result.
             * @param callback Indicates the callback to get result and acquireInfo.
             * @returns Returns a context ID for cancellation.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300001 - system service exception.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300002 - invalid challenge, authType or authTrustLevel.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300014 - the authTrustLevel is not supported on current device
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300015 - the authType is not supported on current device.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300016 - authentication timeout.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300017 - authentication service is busy.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300018 - authentication service is locked.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300019 - the credential does not exist.
             * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
             * @since 8
            auth(challenge: Uint8Array, authType: AuthType, authTrustLevel: AuthTrustLevel, callback: IUserAuthCallback): Uint8Array;

             * Executes user authentication.
             * @permission ohos.permission.ACCESS_USER_AUTH_INTERNAL
             * @param userId Indicates the user identification.
             * @param challenge Indicates the challenge value.
             * @param authType Indicates the authentication type.
             * @param authTrustLevel Indicates the trust level of authentication result.
             * @param callback Indicates the callback to get result and acquireInfo.
             * @returns Returns a context ID for cancellation.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300001 - system service exception.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300002 - invalid userId, challenge, authType or authTrustLevel.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300003 - the account indicated by userId dose not exist.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300014 - the authTrustLevel is not supported on current device
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300015 - the authType is not supported on current device.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300016 - authentication timeout.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300017 - authentication service is busy.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300018 - authentication service is locked.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300019 - the credential does not exist.
             * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
             * @since 8
            authUser(userId: number, challenge: Uint8Array, authType: AuthType, authTrustLevel: AuthTrustLevel, callback: IUserAuthCallback): Uint8Array;

             * Cancels authentication with context ID.
             * @permission ohos.permission.ACCESS_USER_AUTH_INTERNAL
             * @param contextID Indicates the authentication context ID.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300001 - system service exception.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300002 - invalid contexId.
             * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
             * @since 8
            cancelAuth(contextID: Uint8Array): void;
  * **口令管理**
         * Provides the abilities for Pin code authentication.
         * @name PINAuth
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Account.OsAccount
         * @since 8
    class PINAuth {
        * Constructor to get the PINAuth class instance.
        * @returns Returns the PINAuth class instance.
        * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
        * @since 8

        * Register inputer.
        * @permission ohos.permission.ACCESS_PIN_AUTH
        * @param inputer Indicates the password input box callback
        * @throws {BusinessError} 201 - permission denied.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300001 - system service exception.
        * @throws {BusinessError} 12300007 - PIN inputer has been registered.
        * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
        * @since 8
        registerInputer(inputer: IInputer): void;

        * Unregister inputer.
        * @permission ohos.permission.ACCESS_PIN_AUTH
        * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
        * @since 8
        unregisterInputer(): void;
  * **回调:IInputData,Inputer回调时带的参数,用来输入口令**
         * Password data callback.
         * @name IInputData
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Account.OsAccount
         * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
         * @since 8
        interface IInputData {
             * Notifies to set data.
             * @param pinSubType Indicates the credential subtype for authentication.
             * @param data Indicates the data to set.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 401 - the parameter check failed.
             * @throws {BusinessError} 12300002 - invalid pinSubType.
             * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
             * @since 8
            onSetData: (pinSubType: AuthSubType, data: Uint8Array) => void;
  * **回调:IInputer,regitsterInputer是传入的回调,在需要输密码时被调用**
         * Password input box callback.
         * @name IInputer
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Account.OsAccount
         * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
         * @since 8
        interface IInputer {
             * Notifies to get data.
             * @param pinSubType Indicates the credential subtype for authentication.
             * @param callback Indicates the password data callback.
             * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
             * @since 8
            onGetData: (pinSubType: AuthSubType, callback: IInputData) => void;
  * **回调:IUserAuthCallback,auth,authUser的回调,用来接收auth的结果**
         * User authentication callback.
         * @name IUserAuthCallback
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Account.OsAccount
         * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
         * @since 8
        interface IUserAuthCallback {
             * The authentication result code is returned through the callback.
             * @param result Indicates the authentication result code.
             * @param extraInfo Indicates the specific information for different situation.
             * If the authentication is passed, the authentication token is returned in extrainfo,
             * If the authentication fails, the remaining authentication times are returned in extrainfo,
             * If the authentication executor is locked, the freezing time is returned in extrainfo.
             * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
             * @since 8
            onResult: (result: number, extraInfo: AuthResult) => void;

             * During an authentication, the TipsCode is returned through the callback.
             * @param module Indicates the executor type for authentication.
             * @param acquire Indicates the tip code for different authentication executor.
             * @param extraInfo reserved parameter.
             * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
             * @since 8
            onAcquireInfo?: (module: number, acquire: number, extraInfo: any) => void;
  * **回调:IIdmCallback,addCredential,updateCredential,delUser,delCred的回调,用来收听onResult是否成功**
         * Identity manager callback.
         * @name IIdmCallback
         * @syscap SystemCapability.Account.OsAccount
         * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
         * @since 8
        interface IIdmCallback {
             * The authentication result code is returned through the callback.
             * @param result Indicates the authentication result code.
             * @param extraInfo pass the specific information for different situation.
             * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
             * @since 8
            onResult: (result: number, extraInfo: RequestResult) => void;

             * During an authentication, the TipsCode is returned through the callback.
             * @param module Indicates the executor type for authentication.
             * @param acquire Indicates the tip code for different authentication executor.
             * @param extraInfo reserved parameter.
             * @systemapi Hide this for inner system use.
             * @since 8
            onAcquireInfo?: (module: number, acquire: number, extraInfo: any) => void;
* **流程:**

  <pre class="md-fences md-end-block md-diagram md-fences-advanced ty-contain-cm modeLoaded" spellcheck="false" lang="mermaid" cid="n54" mdtype="fences" mermaid-type="graph"><div class="md-diagram-panel md-fences-adv-panel"><div class="md-diagram-panel-header"></div><div class="md-diagram-panel-preview"><svg id="mermaidChart0" width="100%" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" height="157.1875" viewBox="0 0 1336.984375 157.1875" class="in-text-selection"><g><g class="output"><g class="clusters"></g><g class="edgePaths"><g class="edgePath LS-userIdentityManager::openSession LE-pinAuth::registerInputer" id="L-userIdentityManager::openSession-pinAuth::registerInputer"><path class="path" d="M292.71875,78.59375L317.71875,78.59375L342.71875,78.59375" marker-end="url(#arrowhead20)"></path><defs><marker id="arrowhead20" viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="9" refY="5" markerUnits="strokeWidth" markerWidth="8" markerHeight="6" orient="auto"><path d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" class="arrowheadPath"></path></marker></defs></g><g class="edgePath LS-pinAuth::registerInputer LE-userIdentityManager::getAuthInfo" id="L-pinAuth::registerInputer-userIdentityManager::getAuthInfo"><path class="path" d="M545.21875,78.59375L570.21875,78.59375L595.21875,78.59375" marker-end="url(#arrowhead21)"></path><defs><marker id="arrowhead21" viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="9" refY="5" markerUnits="strokeWidth" markerWidth="8" markerHeight="6" orient="auto"><path d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" class="arrowheadPath"></path></marker></defs></g><g class="edgePath LS-userIdentityManager::getAuthInfo LE-userAuth::getProperty" id="L-userIdentityManager::getAuthInfo-userAuth::getProperty"><path class="path" d="M839.980411286368,55.796875L954.609375,30.796875L1086.984375,30.796875" marker-end="url(#arrowhead22)"></path><defs><marker id="arrowhead22" viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="9" refY="5" markerUnits="strokeWidth" markerWidth="8" markerHeight="6" orient="auto"><path d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" class="arrowheadPath"></path></marker></defs></g><g class="edgePath LS-userIdentityManager::getAuthInfo LE-userIdentityManager::addCredential" id="L-userIdentityManager::getAuthInfo-userIdentityManager::addCredential"><path class="path" d="M839.980411286368,101.390625L954.609375,126.390625L1033.53125,126.390625" marker-end="url(#arrowhead23)"></path><defs><marker id="arrowhead23" viewBox="0 0 10 10" refX="9" refY="5" markerUnits="strokeWidth" markerWidth="8" markerHeight="6" orient="auto"><path d="M 0 0 L 10 5 L 0 10 z" class="arrowheadPath"></path></marker></defs></g></g><g class="edgeLabels"><g class="edgeLabel" transform=""><g transform="translate(0,0)" class="label"><rect rx="0" ry="0" width="0" height="0"></rect><foreignObject width="0" height="0"><div xmlns=""><span id="L-L-userIdentityManager::openSession-pinAuth::registerInputer" class="edgeLabel L-LS-userIdentityManager::openSession' L-LE-pinAuth::registerInputer"></span></div></foreignObject></g></g><g class="edgeLabel" transform=""><g transform="translate(0,0)" class="label"><rect rx="0" ry="0" width="0" height="0"></rect><foreignObject width="0" height="0"><div xmlns=""><span id="L-L-pinAuth::registerInputer-userIdentityManager::getAuthInfo" class="edgeLabel L-LS-pinAuth::registerInputer' L-LE-userIdentityManager::getAuthInfo"></span></div></foreignObject></g></g><g class="edgeLabel" transform="translate(954.609375,30.796875)"><g transform="translate(-53.921875,-12.796875)" class="label"><rect rx="0" ry="0" width="107.84375" height="25.59375"></rect><foreignObject width="107.84375" height="25.59375"><div xmlns=""><span id="L-L-userIdentityManager::getAuthInfo-userAuth::getProperty" class="edgeLabel L-LS-userIdentityManager::getAuthInfo' L-LE-userAuth::getProperty">havePassword</span></div></foreignObject></g></g><g class="edgeLabel" transform="translate(954.609375,126.390625)"><g transform="translate(-45.8984375,-12.796875)" class="label"><rect rx="0" ry="0" width="91.796875" height="25.59375"></rect><foreignObject width="91.796875" height="25.59375"><div xmlns=""><span id="L-L-userIdentityManager::getAuthInfo-userIdentityManager::addCredential" class="edgeLabel L-LS-userIdentityManager::getAuthInfo' L-LE-userIdentityManager::addCredential">noPassword</span></div></foreignObject></g></g></g><g class="nodes"><g class="node default" id="flowchart-userIdentityManager::openSession-6" transform="translate(150.359375,78.59375)"><rect rx="0" ry="0" x="-142.359375" y="-22.796875" width="284.71875" height="45.59375" class="label-container"></rect><g class="label" transform="translate(0,0)"><g transform="translate(-132.359375,-12.796875)"><foreignObject width="264.71875" height="25.59375"><div xmlns="">userIdentityManager::openSession</div></foreignObject></g></g></g><g class="node default" id="flowchart-pinAuth::registerInputer-7" transform="translate(443.96875,78.59375)"><rect rx="0" ry="0" x="-101.25" y="-22.796875" width="202.5" height="45.59375" class="label-container"></rect><g class="label" transform="translate(0,0)"><g transform="translate(-91.25,-12.796875)"><foreignObject width="182.5" height="25.59375"><div xmlns="">pinAuth::registerInputer</div></foreignObject></g></g></g><g class="node default" id="flowchart-userIdentityManager::getAuthInfo-8" transform="translate(735.453125,78.59375)"><rect rx="0" ry="0" x="-140.234375" y="-22.796875" width="280.46875" height="45.59375" class="label-container"></rect><g class="label" transform="translate(0,0)"><g transform="translate(-130.234375,-12.796875)"><foreignObject width="260.46875" height="25.59375"><div xmlns="">userIdentityManager::getAuthInfo</div></foreignObject></g></g></g><g class="node default" id="flowchart-userAuth::getProperty-9" transform="translate(1181.2578125,30.796875)"><rect rx="0" ry="0" x="-94.2734375" y="-22.796875" width="188.546875" height="45.59375" class="label-container"></rect><g class="label" transform="translate(0,0)"><g transform="translate(-84.2734375,-12.796875)"><foreignObject width="168.546875" height="25.59375"><div xmlns="">userAuth::getProperty</div></foreignObject></g></g></g><g class="node default" id="flowchart-userIdentityManager::addCredential-11" transform="translate(1181.2578125,126.390625)"><rect rx="0" ry="0" x="-147.7265625" y="-22.796875" width="295.453125" height="45.59375" class="label-container"></rect><g class="label" transform="translate(0,0)"><g transform="translate(-137.7265625,-12.796875)"><foreignObject width="275.453125" height="25.59375"><div xmlns="">userIdentityManager::addCredential</div></foreignObject></g></g></g></g></g></g></svg></div><div class="md-diagram-panel-error"></div></div></pre>

  1. **构建对象**
     this.userIdentityManager = new osAccount.UserIdentityManager();
     this.pinAuth = new osAccount.PINAuth();
     this.userAuth = new osAccount.UserAuth();
  2. **opensession**
        * Open Session
        * A challenge value of 0 indicates that opensession failed
        * @returns challenge value
       openSession(callback: (challenge: string) => void): void {
         LogUtil.debug(`${this.TAG}openSession in.`);
         try {
                                   .then((data) =>{
                           `${this.TAG} openSession success`);
                                   .catch((err) => {
                                     LogUtil.error(`${this.TAG} openSession failed` + JSON.stringify(err));
         } catch {
           LogUtil.error(`${this.TAG}openSession failed`);
         LogUtil.debug(`${this.TAG}openSession out.`);
  3. **注册inputer**
        * Register Inputer
       registerInputer(): boolean {
         LogUtil.debug(`${this.TAG}registerInputer in.`);
         let result = false;
         try {
           result = this.pinAuth.registerInputer({
             onGetData: (authSubType, inputData) => {
               let u8aPwd = this.encodeToU8A(this.password);
     `${this.TAG} before set data, type: ${this.pinSubType}.`);
               inputData.onSetData(this.pinSubType, u8aPwd);
             result = this.pinAuth.registerInputer({
               onGetData: (authSubType, inputData) => {
                 let u8aPwd = this.encodeToU8A(this.password);
                 inputData.onSetData(this.pinSubType, u8aPwd);
         } catch {
           LogUtil.error(`${this.TAG}registerInputer failed`);
         }`${this.TAG}registerInputer out.`);
         return result;
  4. **createPassword**
        * Call api to create password
       createPassword() {
         PasswordModel.addPinCredential(this.passwordType, this.password, (result) => {
           if (result === ResultCode.SUCCESS) {
   `${this.TAG}create password success`);
           } else {
   `${this.TAG}create password failed`);
             //TODO show api message to view
             this.checkMessage = 'create failed.';
  5. **getAuthInfo**
        * Get AuthInfo
        * @param authType Credential type.
        * @returns Returns all registered credential information of this type for the current user
       getPinAuthInfo(callback: (data: Array<{
         authType: number;
         authSubType: number;
       }>) => void): void {
         LogUtil.debug(`${this.TAG}getPinAuthInfo in.`);
         try {
                                   .then((data) => {
                           `${this.TAG} get pin auth info data.`);
                                     let arrCredInfo = [];
                                     try {
                                       for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                                         let credInfo = {
                                           'authType': data.authType,
                                           'authSubType': data.authSubType

                                         if (credInfo.authType == AuthType.PIN) {
                                           this.pinSubType = credInfo.authSubType;
                                     } catch(e) {
                             'faceDemo pin.getAuthInfo error = ' + e);
                           `${this.TAG} getAuthInfo success.`);
                                   .catch((err) => {
                                     LogUtil.error(`${this.TAG} getAuthInfo failed.` + JSON.stringify(err));
         } catch (e) {
           LogUtil.error(`${this.TAG}getPinAuthInfo failed:` + e);
         LogUtil.debug(`${this.TAG}getPinAuthInfo out.`);
  6. **autPin**
        * Auth
        * @param challenge pass in challenge value. challenge是从openSession的回调得到
        * @param password password
        * @param onResult Return results through callback.
       authPin(challenge: string, password: string, onResult: (result: number, extraInfo: {
         token?: string;
         remainTimes?: number;
         freezingTime?: number;
       }) => void): void {
         LogUtil.debug(`${this.TAG}authPin in.`);
         this.password = password;
         try {
 `${this.TAG} before userAuth auth pin`);
           this.userAuth.auth(this.strToU8A(challenge), AuthType.PIN, AuthTrustLevel.ATL4, {
             onResult: (result, extraInfo) => {
                 if (result === ResultCode.SUCCESS) {
                   LogUtil.debug(`${this.TAG}userAuth.auth onResult: result = success`);
                 } else {
                   LogUtil.debug(`${this.TAG}userAuth.auth failed onResult: result =  ${result}`);
                 let info = {
                   'token':  this.u8AToStr(extraInfo?.token),
                   'remainTimes': extraInfo.remainTimes,
                   'freezingTime': extraInfo.freezingTime
                 onResult(result, info)
               catch(e) {
                 LogUtil.debug(`${this.TAG}userAuth.auth onResult error = ${JSON.stringify(e)}`);

             onAcquireInfo: (acquireModule, acquire, extraInfo) => {
                 LogUtil.debug(this.TAG + 'faceDemo pin.auth onAcquireInfo acquireModule = ' + acquireModule);
                 LogUtil.debug(this.TAG + 'faceDemo pin.auth onAcquireInfo acquire = ' + acquire);
               catch(e) {
                 LogUtil.error(this.TAG + 'faceDemo pin.auth onAcquireInfo error = ' + e);

         } catch (e) {
           LogUtil.error(`${this.TAG}AuthPin failed:` + e);
         LogUtil.debug(`${this.TAG}authPin out.`);

#### 概述

1. **主干代码:3.2 Release**
2. **hilog -b D:打开debug输出**
3. **可能需要的权限:ohos.permission.MANAGE\_USER\_IDM, ohos.permission.USE\_USER\_IDM,ohos.permission.MANAGE\_LOCAL\_ACCOUNTS,ohos.permission.ACCESS\_USER\_AUTH\_INTERNAL,ohos.permission.ACCESS\_PIN\_AUTH,**
4. **运行settings,日志分析**
   11-29 14:56:32.473 2813-2813/com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel#openSession in.
   11-29 14:56:32.474 2813-2813/com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel#openSession out.

   com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel#registerInputer in.
   com.ohos.mysettings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [RegisterInputer@pinauth_register.cpp:40] start
   com.ohos.mysettings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [GetProxy@pinauth_register.cpp:70] start
   accesstoken_ser I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerStub: [OnRemoteRequest]:OnRemoteRequest called, code: 65296
   accesstoken_ser I C02f01/PermissionManager: [VerifyAccessToken]:VerifyAccessToken called, tokenID: 537131032, permissionName: ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM
   accesstoken_ser I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerService: [VerifyAccessToken]:tokenID: 537131032, permissionName: ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM, res 0
   samgr I C01800/SAMGR: SystemAbilityManagerStub::OnReceived, code = 2, callerPid = 2813, flags= 0
   accountmgr I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerProxy: [VerifyAccessToken]:result from server data = 0
   samgr I C01800/SAMGR: SystemAbilityManagerStub::OnReceived, code = 2, callerPid = 571, flags= 0
   samgr E C02f02/Selinux: avc:  denied  { get } for service=941 pid=2813 scontext=u:r:system_core_hap:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:sa_useriam_pinauth_service:s0 tclass=samgr_class permissive=0
   samgr E C01800/SAMGR: CheckSystemAbilityInner selinux permission denied! SA : 941
   samgr I C01800/SAMGR: found service : 901.
   com.ohos.mysettings E C01510/BinderInvoker: 125: SendRequest: handle=0 result = 1
   com.ohos.mysettings E C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [GetProxy@pinauth_register.cpp:81] get distributed gallery manager service fail
   com.ohos.mysettings E C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [RegisterInputer@pinauth_register.cpp:47] get proxy failed
   com.ohos.mysettings E C01b00/AccountIAM: [RegisterInputer:89]:Failed to register inputer
   com.ohos.mysettings E A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel#registerInputer failed
   com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel#registerInputer out.

   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [RegisterInputer@pinauth_register.cpp:40] start
   accesstoken_ser I C02f01/PermissionManager: [VerifyAccessToken]:VerifyAccessToken called, tokenID: 537311758, permissionName: ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [GetProxy@pinauth_register.cpp:70] start
   accesstoken_ser I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerService: [VerifyAccessToken]:tokenID: 537311758, permissionName: ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM, res 0
   samgr I C01800/SAMGR: SystemAbilityManagerStub::OnReceived, code = 2, callerPid = 3279, flags= 0
   accountmgr I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerProxy: [VerifyAccessToken]:result from server data = 0
   samgr I C01800/SAMGR: SystemAbilityManagerStub::OnReceived, code = 2, callerPid = 571, flags= 0
   samgr I C01800/SAMGR: found service : 941.
   samgr I C01800/SAMGR: found service : 901.
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [GetProxy@pinauth_register.cpp:92] succeed to connect distributed gallery manager service
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [RegisterInputer@pin_auth_proxy.cpp:30] start
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [SendRequest@pin_auth_proxy.cpp:76] code = 1
   accountmgr I C02401/USER_IDM_SDK: [SendRequest@user_idm_proxy.cpp:351] code = 0
   pinauth I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SA: [OnRemoteRequest@pin_auth_stub.cpp:28] cmd = 1, flags = 0
   pinauth I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SA: [RegisterInputerStub@pin_auth_stub.cpp:47] start
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [OnRemoteRequest@user_idm_stub.cpp:32] cmd = 0, flags= 0
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [OpenSessionStub@user_idm_stub.cpp:66] enter
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [OpenSession@user_idm_service.cpp:61] start
   pinauth I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SA: [RegisterInputer@pin_auth_service.cpp:112] start
   pinauth I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SA: [CheckPermission@pin_auth_service.cpp:104] start
   accesstoken_ser I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerStub: [OnRemoteRequest]:OnRemoteRequest called, code: 65296
   accesstoken_ser I C02f01/PermissionManager: [VerifyAccessToken]:VerifyAccessToken called, tokenID: 537311758, permissionName: ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM
   accesstoken_ser I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerService: [VerifyAccessToken]:tokenID: 537311758, permissionName: ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM, res 0
   useriam I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerProxy: [VerifyAccessToken]:result from server data = 0
   accesstoken_ser I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerStub: [OnRemoteRequest]:OnRemoteRequest called, code: 65296
   samgr I C01800/SAMGR: SystemAbilityManagerStub::OnReceived, code = 12, callerPid = 924, flags= 0
   accesstoken_ser I C02f01/PermissionManager: [VerifyAccessToken]:VerifyAccessToken called, tokenID: 671961229, permissionName: ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM
   accesstoken_ser I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerService: [VerifyAccessToken]:tokenID: 671961229, permissionName: ohos.permission.MANAGE_USER_IDM, res 0
   useriam I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerProxy: [VerifyAccessToken]:result from server data = 0
   samgr I C01800/SAMGR: found service : 3503.
   accesstoken_ser I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerStub: [OnRemoteRequest]:OnRemoteRequest called, code: 65316
   accesstoken_ser I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerService: [GetTokenType]:called, tokenID: 0x280ff12c
   accesstoken_ser I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerService: [GetNativeTokenInfo]:called, tokenID: 0x280d508d
   useriam I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerProxy: [GetNativeTokenInfo]:result from server data = 0
   samgr I C01800/SAMGR: SystemAbilityManagerStub::OnReceived, code = 12, callerPid = 483, flags= 0
   pinauth I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerProxy: [VerifyAccessToken]:result from server data = 0
   pinauth I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SA: [RegisterInputer@pin_auth_manager.cpp:29] start, tokenId = 537311758
   pinauth I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SA: [RegisterInputer@pin_auth_manager.cpp:47] end
   com.ohos.settings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel#registerInputer out.

   //getAuthInfo (找不到)
   com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel# get pin auth info data.
   com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordSettingController#getListData(false,) in
   com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordSettingController#getListData(false,) out => undefined
   com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel# getAuthInfo success.

   com.ohos.settings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel# get pin auth info data.
   com.ohos.settings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings h#getListData(true,) in
   com.ohos.settings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings h#getListData(true,) out => undefined
   com.ohos.settings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel# getAuthInfo success.

   com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordInputController passwordOnChange in.
   com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordInputController checkInputDigits in.
   com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings Password Checker isNumber6 in.
   com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel#addPinCredential in.
   com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel#addPinCredential out.
   com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordInputController passwordOnChange out.

   useriam I C02f01/AccessTokenManagerProxy: [GetNativeTokenInfo]:result from server data = 0
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [Start@base_context.cpp:56] Context(type:Enroll, contextId:0xXXXX7702) start
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [OnStart@enroll_context.cpp:43] Context(type:Enroll, contextId:0xXXXX7702) start
   samgr I C01800/SAMGR: SystemAbilityManagerStub::OnReceived, code = 12, callerPid = 483, flags= 0
   samgr I C01800/SAMGR: found service : 5100.
   hdf_devmgr I C02500/devsvc_manager_stub: service user_auth_interface_service found
   user_auth_host          17 user_auth_host I C02421/USER_AUTH_HDI: [BeginEnrollment@user_auth_interface_service.cpp:374] start
   user_auth_host          17 user_auth_host I C02421/USER_AUTH_HDI: [CopyScheduleInfo@user_auth_interface_service.cpp:69] start
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [Build@schedule_node_builder.cpp:114] scheduleNode builder start to build
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [Schedule@finite_state_machine_impl.cpp:51] fsm schedule new schedule event input:0
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [OnStart@enroll_context.cpp:51] Context(type:Enroll, contextId:0xXXXX7702) success
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [operator()@user_idm_stub.cpp:158] leave
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [BeginExecute@resource_node_impl.cpp:138] start
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [SendRequest@executor_callback_proxy.cpp:195] code = 2
   pinauth I C02421/USER_AUTH_EXECUTOR: [OnBeginExecuteInner@framework_executor_callback.cpp:64] ExecutorCallback(Id:1) start process cmd 0
   pinauth I C02421/USER_AUTH_EXECUTOR: [StartProcess@async_command_base.cpp:56] Command(type:ENROLL, id:3, scheduleId:0xXXXX246e) start process
   pinauth I C02421/USER_AUTH_EXECUTOR: [AddCommand@executor.cpp:105] Executor(Id:0x00010001) start
   pinauth I C02421/USER_AUTH_EXECUTOR: [SendRequest@enroll_command.cpp:42] Command(type:ENROLL, id:3, scheduleId:0xXXXX246e) send request start
   pin_auth_host           16 pin_auth_host I C02441/PIN_AUTH_IMPL: [Enroll@executor_impl.cpp:123] start
   pin_auth_host           16 pin_auth_host I C02441/PIN_AUTH_IMPL: [NewSalt@executor_impl.cpp:290] start
   pin_auth_host           16 pin_auth_host I C02441/PIN_AUTH_IMPL: [NewSalt@executor_impl.cpp:315] EVP_sha256 success
   pin_auth_host           16 pin_auth_host I C02441/PIN_AUTH_IMPL: [NewSalt@executor_impl.cpp:326] result size is : [32]
   pin_auth_host           16 pin_auth_host I C02441/PIN_AUTH_IMPL: [AddScheduleInfo@executor_impl.cpp:333] start
   pinauth I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SA: [OnGetData@pin_auth_executor_callback_hdi.cpp:48] Start tokenId_ is 537131032
   pinauth I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SA: [getInputerLock@pin_auth_manager.cpp:65] start
   pinauth E C02441/PIN_AUTH_SA: [getInputerLock@pin_auth_manager.cpp:71] pinAuthInputer is not found
   pinauth E C02441/PIN_AUTH_SA: [OnGetData@pin_auth_executor_callback_hdi.cpp:51] inputer is nullptr
   pinauth E C02500/executor_callback_stub: ExecutorCallbackStubOnGetData failed, error code is <private>
   pin_auth_host           16 pin_auth_host E C01510/BinderInvoker: 125: SendRequest: handle=3 result = -1
   pin_auth_host           16 pin_auth_host E C02500/executor_callback_proxy: OnGetData failed, error code is -1
   pin_auth_host           16 pin_auth_host E C02441/PIN_AUTH_IMPL: [Enroll@executor_impl.cpp:143] Enroll Pin failed, fail code : -1
   pin_auth_host           16 pin_auth_host I C02441/PIN_AUTH_IMPL: [DeleteScheduleId@executor_impl.cpp:369] start
   pin_auth_host           16 pin_auth_host I C02441/PIN_AUTH_IMPL: [DeleteScheduleId@executor_impl.cpp:372] Delete scheduleId succ
   pin_auth_host           16 pin_auth_host E C02500/executor_stub: ExecutorStubEnroll failed, error code is <private>
   com.ohos.mysettings I C01c00/ImsaKit: line: 483, function: OnConfigurationChange,InputMethodController::OnConfigurationChange
   com.ohos.mysettings W C03900/Ace: [render_text_field.cpp(UpdateAccessibilityAttr)-(0)] RenderTextField accessibilityNode is null.
   pinauth E C01510/BinderInvoker: 125: SendRequest: handle=2 result = -1
   pinauth E C02500/executor_proxy: Enroll failed, error code is -1
   pinauth E C02441/PIN_AUTH_SA: [ConvertResultCode@pin_auth_executor_hdi.cpp:317] covert hdi result code -1 to framework result code 1
   pinauth E C02441/PIN_AUTH_SA: [Enroll@pin_auth_executor_hdi.cpp:131] Enroll fail ret=1
   pinauth I C02421/USER_AUTH_EXECUTOR: [SendRequest@enroll_command.cpp:53] Command(type:ENROLL, id:3, scheduleId:0xXXXX246e) enroll result 1
   pinauth E C02421/USER_AUTH_EXECUTOR: [StartProcess@async_command_base.cpp:65] Command(type:ENROLL, id:3, scheduleId:0xXXXX246e) send request failed
   pinauth I C02421/USER_AUTH_EXECUTOR: [EndProcess@async_command_base.cpp:112] Command(type:ENROLL, id:3, scheduleId:0xXXXX246e) end process
   pinauth I C02421/USER_AUTH_EXECUTOR: [RemoveCommand@executor.cpp:113] Executor(Id:0x00010001) start
   pinauth I C02421/USER_AUTH_EXECUTOR: [OnBeginExecuteInner@framework_executor_callback.cpp:80] command id = 0 ret = 1
   useriam E C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [ProcessBeginVerifier@schedule_node_impl.cpp:281] start verify failed
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [ScheduleInner@finite_state_machine_impl.cpp:84] fsm schedule schedule [state:0] + [event:0] -> [nextState:1]
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [OnResult@enroll_context.cpp:57] Context(type:Enroll, contextId:0xXXXX7702) receive result code 7
   useriam E C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [UpdateScheduleResult@enroll_context.cpp:88] (scheduleResultAttr != nullptr) check fail, return
   useriam E C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [OnResult@enroll_context.cpp:62] Context(type:Enroll, contextId:0xXXXX7702) UpdateScheduleResult fail
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [OnResult@user_idm_callback_proxy.cpp:29] start
   useriam I C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [SendRequest@user_idm_callback_proxy.cpp:87] start
   accountmgr E C01b00/AccountMgrService: [OnResult:138]:failed to add credential

   com.ohos.mysettings I C03900/NAPI: [native_api.cpp(napi_call_function)] engine: 00F1D680, nativeRecv: CD18BAE0, nativeFunc: CD18BC18, nativeArgv: FF95C088
   com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel# Add pin credential, result: 7
   com.ohos.mysettings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordInputController create password failed

   com.ohos.settings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordInputController passwordOnChange in.
   com.ohos.settings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordInputController checkInputDigits in.
   com.ohos.settings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings Password Checker isNumber6 in.
   com.ohos.settings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel#addPinCredential in.
   com.ohos.settings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel#addPinCredential out.
   com.ohos.settings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordInputController passwordOnChange out.
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [OnRemoteRequest@inputer_get_data_stub.cpp:29] cmd = 1, flags = 0
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [OnGetData@inputer_get_data_service.cpp:34] start
   com.ohos.settings D A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel#encodeToU8A in.
   com.ohos.settings D A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel#encodeToU8A out.
   com.ohos.settings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel# before set data, type: 10000.
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [OnSetData@inputer_data_impl.cpp:37] start and data size is 6
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [GetScrypt@scrypt.cpp:36] start

   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [OnSetData@inputer_set_data_proxy.cpp:27] start
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [SendRequest@inputer_set_data_proxy.cpp:51] code = 1
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [OnSetData@inputer_set_data_proxy.cpp:45] result = 0
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [OnRemoteRequest@inputer_get_data_stub.cpp:29] cmd = 1, flags = 0
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [OnGetData@inputer_get_data_service.cpp:34] star
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [OnSetData@inputer_data_impl.cpp:37] start and data size is 6
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [GetScrypt@scrypt.cpp:36] start
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [OnSetData@inputer_set_data_proxy.cpp:27] start
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [SendRequest@inputer_set_data_proxy.cpp:51] code = 1
   com.ohos.settings I C02441/PIN_AUTH_SDK: [OnSetData@inputer_set_data_proxy.cpp:45] result = 0
   com.ohos.settings D C02421/USER_AUTH_SA: [Impl@attributes.cpp:157] emplace pair success, type is 100025
   com.ohos.settings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordModel# Add pin credential, result: 0
   com.ohos.settings I A00500/[Settings]: Settings PasswordInputController create password success

#### 小结

* **用户鉴权(包括屏保)是以accountmgr服务为入口为应用层提供功能,以useridm为实现,完成具体的口令管理和人脸管理(人脸管理目前还有欠缺)**
* **用户鉴权是系统级服务,要求ohos.permission.MANAGE\_USER\_IDM, ohos.permission.USE\_USER\_IDM,ohos.permission.MANAGE\_LOCAL\_ACCOUNTS,ohos.permission.ACCESS\_USER\_AUTH\_INTERNAL,ohos.permission.ACCESS\_PIN\_AUTH权限和selinux权限(富设备支持)**

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