# wukong help
usage: wukong <command> [<arguments>]
These are common wukong command list:
help wukong help information
-v/--version wukong version
exec run random test
special run special test
focus run focus test
appinfo show all app information
* **Wukong special是专项测试,具体测试命令如下**
# wukong special -h
usage: wukong special [<arguments>]
These are wukong special arguments list:
-h, --help special test help
-t, --touch[x,y] touch event
-c, --count total count of test
-i, --interval interval
-S, --swap[option] swap event
option is -s| -e| -b
-s, --start: the start point of swap
-e, --end: the end point of swap
-b, --bilateral: swap go and back
-k, --spec_insomnia power on/off event
-T, --time total time of test
-C, --component component event
-p, --screenshot get screenshot(only in componment input)
-r, --record record user operation
-R, --replay replay user operation
-u, --uitest uitest dumpLayout
* **Wukong exec 随机测试,具体命令如下:**
# wukong exec -h
usage: wukong exec [<arguments>]
These are wukong exec arguments list:
-h, --help random test help
-a, --appswitch appswitch event percent
-b, --bundle the bundle name of allowlist
-p, --prohibit the bundle name of blocklist
-d, --page block page list
-t, --touch touch event percent
-c, --count test count
-i, --interval interval
-s, --seed random seed
-m, --mouse mouse event percent
-k, --keyboard keyboard event percent
-H, --hardkey hardkey event percent
-S, --swap swap event percent
-T, --time test time
-C, --component component event percent
-r, --rotate rotate event percent
-e, --allow ability the ability name of allowlist
-E, --block ability the ability name of blocklist
-I, --screenshot get screenshot(only in random input)
* **Wukong focus 专注测试,具体命令如下:**
# wukong focus -h
usage: wukong focus [<arguments>]
These are wukong focus arguments list:
-h, --help random test help
-a, --appswitch appswitch event percent
-b, --bundle the bundle name of allowlist
-p, --prohibit the bundle name of blocklist
-t, --touch touch event percent
-c, --count test count
-i, --interval interval
-s, --seed random seed
-m, --mouse mouse event percent
-k, --keyboard keyboard event percent
-H, --hardkey hardkey event percent
-S, --swap swap event percent
-T, --time test time
-C, --component component event percent
-r, --rotate rotate event percent
-n, --numberfocus the number of inputs to focus on some component one time
-f, --focustypes the component type to focus on
* **Wukong appinfo 查询可以测试的app信息,具体如下:**
# wukong appinfo -h
BundleName: com.ohos.adminprovisioning
AbilityName: com.ohos.adminprovisioning.MainAbility
BundleName: com.ohos.callui
AbilityName: com.ohos.callui.MainAbility
BundleName: com.ohos.camera
AbilityName: com.ohos.camera.MainAbility
BundleName: com.ohos.contacts
AbilityName: com.ohos.contacts.MainAbility
BundleName: com.ohos.mms
AbilityName: com.ohos.mms.MainAbility
BundleName: com.ohos.note
AbilityName: MainAbility
BundleName: com.ohos.photos
AbilityName: com.ohos.photos.MainAbility
BundleName: com.ohos.settings
AbilityName: com.ohos.settings.MainAbility
BundleName: com.ohos.smartperf
AbilityName: MainAbility
BundleName: com.ohos.updateapp
AbilityName: com.ohos.updateapp.MainAbility
BundleName: ohos.samples.distributedcalc
AbilityName: MainAbility
BundleName: ohos.samples.distributedmusicplayer
AbilityName: ohos.samples.distributedmusicplayer.MainAbility
BundleName: ohos.samples.etsclock
AbilityName: MainAbility