
标题: 一个带界面的Wukong [打印本页]

作者: 深开鸿_王石    时间: 2023-12-14 08:52
标题: 一个带界面的Wukong
[md]### 简介



### 架构图

![image.png](https://forums-obs.openharmony.c ... jizflpzlt92iogo.png "image.png")

### Wukong内子模块职责:

1. **命令行解析:支持命令行获取参数并解析命令行参数。**
2. **运行环境管理:根据命令行初始化wukong整体运行环境。**
3. **系统接口管理:检查并获取指定的mgr,注册controller和dfx的faultlog的回调函数。**
4. **随机事件生成:通过random函数生成指定种子数的随机序列,生成事件。**
5. **事件注入:根据支持的事件类型向系统注入事件,依赖窗口、多模、安全等子系统。**
6. **异常捕获处理/报告生成:通过DFX子系统获取运行中的异常信息并记录log,生成报告。**

### Wukong命令

# wukong help
usage: wukong <command> [<arguments>]
These are common wukong command list:
  help                       wukong help information
  -v/--version               wukong version
  exec                       run random test
  special                    run special test
  focus                      run focus test
  appinfo                    show all app information

* **Wukong special是专项测试,具体测试命令如下**
  # wukong special -h
  usage: wukong special [<arguments>]
  These are wukong special arguments list:
     -h, --help                 special test help
     -t, --touch[x,y]           touch event
     -c, --count                total count of test
     -i, --interval             interval
     -S, --swap[option]         swap event
                                option is -s| -e| -b
                                -s, --start: the start point of swap
                                -e, --end: the end point of swap
                                -b, --bilateral: swap go and back
     -k, --spec_insomnia        power on/off event
     -T, --time                 total time of test
     -C, --component            component event
     -p, --screenshot           get screenshot(only in componment input)
     -r, --record               record user operation
     -R, --replay               replay user operation
     -u, --uitest               uitest dumpLayout
* **Wukong exec 随机测试,具体命令如下:**
  # wukong exec -h
  usage: wukong exec [<arguments>]
  These are wukong exec arguments list:
     -h, --help                 random test help
     -a, --appswitch            appswitch event percent
     -b, --bundle               the bundle name of allowlist
     -p, --prohibit             the bundle name of blocklist
     -d, --page                 block page list
     -t, --touch                touch event percent
     -c, --count                test count
     -i, --interval             interval
     -s, --seed                 random seed
     -m, --mouse                mouse event percent
     -k, --keyboard             keyboard event percent
     -H, --hardkey              hardkey event percent
     -S, --swap                 swap event percent
     -T, --time                 test time
     -C, --component            component event percent
     -r, --rotate               rotate event percent
     -e, --allow ability        the ability name of allowlist
     -E, --block ability        the ability name of blocklist
     -I, --screenshot           get screenshot(only in random input)
* **Wukong focus 专注测试,具体命令如下:**
  # wukong focus -h
  usage: wukong focus [<arguments>]
  These are wukong focus arguments list:
     -h, --help                 random test help
     -a, --appswitch            appswitch event percent
     -b, --bundle               the bundle name of allowlist
     -p, --prohibit             the bundle name of blocklist
     -t, --touch                touch event percent
     -c, --count                test count
     -i, --interval             interval
     -s, --seed                 random seed
     -m, --mouse                mouse event percent
     -k, --keyboard             keyboard event percent
     -H, --hardkey              hardkey event percent
     -S, --swap                 swap event percent
     -T, --time                 test time
     -C, --component            component event percent
     -r, --rotate               rotate event percent
     -n, --numberfocus          the number of inputs to focus on some component one time
     -f, --focustypes           the component type to focus on
* **Wukong appinfo 查询可以测试的app信息,具体如下:**
  # wukong appinfo -h
  BundleName:  com.ohos.adminprovisioning
  AbilityName:  com.ohos.adminprovisioning.MainAbility
  BundleName:  com.ohos.callui
  AbilityName:  com.ohos.callui.MainAbility
  BundleName:  com.ohos.contacts
  AbilityName:  com.ohos.contacts.MainAbility
  BundleName:  com.ohos.mms
  AbilityName:  com.ohos.mms.MainAbility
  BundleName:  com.ohos.note
  AbilityName:  MainAbility
  BundleName:  com.ohos.settings
  AbilityName:  com.ohos.settings.MainAbility
  BundleName:  com.ohos.smartperf
  AbilityName:  MainAbility
  BundleName:  com.ohos.updateapp
  AbilityName:  com.ohos.updateapp.MainAbility
  BundleName:  ohos.samples.distributedcalc
  AbilityName:  MainAbility
  BundleName:  ohos.samples.distributedmusicplayer
  AbilityName:  ohos.samples.distributedmusicplayer.MainAbility
  BundleName:  ohos.samples.etsclock
  AbilityName:  MainAbility

### 问题

* **控制台命令不太友好,所以利用业余时间写了个带界面的wukong工具**

  ![image.png](https://forums-obs.openharmony.c ... 1nqlzlz686416xi.png "image.png")


  ![image.png](https://forums-obs.openharmony.c ... y2m9s4z9key2end.png "image.png")


### 小结


* **只测过usb连接,如果网络连接没有测试过;**
* **压测时间长了,可能会有问题,比如断连啥的就没有实时数据了;**
* **设备控制是通过截屏来的,自己不会刷新,后面需要看看ohos能提供什么接口,不行就得魔改hdc了,哈哈;**

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